Employment measures and unemployment insurance

The list of territorial employment subdivisions, their addresses and contact dates can be found by accessing the link: https://www.anofm.md/ro/subdiviziuni 

Employment measures include: 

1. Measures to promote employment:

1.1. Employment services

1.2. Active employment measures  

2. Programs to facilitate employment  

3. Unemployment insurance 


Measures to promote employment

Employment promotion measures are aimed at jobseekers, the unemployed and employers and are granted in order to increase the chances of employment, and include:

Employment Services

Services that ensure the connection between the labour demand and supply, at local and national level, in order to promote and support the employment. NEA provides the following employment services through its territorial employment subdivisions:

1.1.1. Labour market information 

We provide information on the general situation of the labour market and its main development trends.


People looking for a job, including people registered as unemployed.

Types of information provided by territorial employment subdivisions:

- job demand and offer, registered at NEA;

- employment services and measures;

- conditions of access to services and employment measures;

- vacancies registered at NEA and their employment conditions;

- the methods of searching for a job;

- the situation and occupational trends on the labour market at national and local level.

To benefit from these services, you can contact one of the territorial employment subdivisions.

1.1.2. Career guidance  

We support job seekers in identifying educational and professional opportunities.


People looking for a job, including people registered as unemployed.

Types of services that the person can benefit from:

- Information about professions and the specifics of the labour market;

- Self-knowledge;

- Consultancy in the development of personal marketing tools;

- Consulting for career decision.

To benefit from these services, you can contact one of the territorial employment subdivisions.

1.1.3. Work intermediation  

We help you get in touch with potential employers in order to establish employment relationships and fill available vacancies. 


People looking for a job, including people registered as unemployed.

Intermediation of work is carried out through:

- providing information on job vacancies and their employment conditions by publishing, displaying, organizing job fairs;

- pre-selection of candidates according to the requirements of the jobs offered and in accordance with their training, skills, experience and interests;

- electronic intermediation whose purpose is the automatic correspondence of job applications and offers by means of information technologies. 

To benefit from these services, contact one of the territorial employment subdivisions. 

1.1.4. Pre-dismissal services  

We provide pre-dismissal services to people who are going to be laid off (fired) to prevent them from becoming unemployed and to re-enter the labour market as quickly as possible. 


Persons notified in connection with the liquidation of the unit, reduction in the number or staffing levels, other persons exposed to the risk of unemployment. 

The pre-dismissal services are carried out by:

- providing information about the legal provisions regarding unemployment insurance, active employment services and measures, as well as granting it;

- providing information on job vacancies and their employment conditions;

- providing the necessary support for employment;

- training on ways to search for a job;

- providing information about the possibilities of professional training. 

To benefit from these services, contact one of the territorial employment subdivisions. 

1.1.5. Vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities  

We provide professional rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities registered at the territorial employment subdivisions in order to restore, recover or compensate their work capacity.


Persons with disabilities registered as unemployed

Organization mode:

Vocational rehabilitation is carried out within specialized vocational rehabilitation institutions and centers, which operate according to the requirements established by the Government and which are selected annually by the Agency, according to legislation, including legislation in the field of public procurement. Professional rehabilitation is carried out in accordance with the recommendations contained in the Individual Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion Program of the person with disabilities, developed by the National Council for the Determination of Disability and Work Capacity.

Required documents:

- the applicant's request regarding assignment to professional rehabilitation services;

- copy of the identity card;

- copy of study documents;

- copy of the certificate of inclusion in the degree of disability;

- copy of the Individual Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion Program;

- form no. 027/e, submission-excerpt.

 To benefit from these services, you can contact one of the territorial employment subdivisions. 

1.1.6. Assisted employment  

The goal:

Assisted employment is a social service, which aims to ensure access to, obtaining and keeping a remunerated job on the labour market of people with disabilities, by increasing the chances of employment, promoting their sustainable employment and sustainable integration on the labour market.


Persons with disabilities registered as unemployed at the territorial employment subdivisions.

Organization mode:

Territorial employment subdivisions direct the unemployed with disabilities to providers of assisted employment services based on their request and according to the Methodological Guide on assisted employment. NEA contracts assisted employment services from assisted employment service providers in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in the field of public procurement. Supported employment services are provided free of charge to people with disabilities.

Required documents:

- the applicant's request regarding assignment to assisted employment services;

- copy of the identity card;

- copy of study documents;

- copy of the marriage certificate for persons who have changed their surname;

- the copy of the disability classification certificate and, as the case may be, of the Individual Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion Program."

 To benefit from these services, you can contact one of the territorial employment subdivisions. 

1.1.7. Identifying NEET youth  


Providing friendly services to young people by providing information on the services they can benefit from, directing them to social or employment services in order to increase the chances of sustainable placement in the labour field. 


Young people aged 15–29 who are not registered as jobseekers/unemployed at any territorial employment subdivision, have not benefited from and/or are not benefiting from employment measures provided by NEA, do not study/learn within the formal education system and do not participate in courses or other training outside the formal education system. 

The way of organization:

NEA contracts NEET youth identification services from NEET youth identification service providers, who are private social service providers, accredited in the manner established by the Government.

Active employment measures

Active employment measures are aimed at the unemployed and employers and are granted in order to increase the chances of employment. 


Increasing employment opportunities, either by creating new jobs or by facilitating access to vacant jobs. 


Jobseekers registered as unemployed at one of the territorial employment subdivisions. 

NEA implements through the territorial employment subdivisions the following active employment measures:

1.2.1. Professional training;

1.2.2. Subsidizing jobs to employ the unemployed who require additional support on the labour market;

1.2.3. Subsidy for the creation or adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities;

1.2.4. Consultancy, assistance and support for starting a business;

1.2.5. Supporting local initiative projects;

1.2.6. Stimulating labour mobility.

1.2.1. Professional training

 Vocational training involves the qualification, retraining, improvement, specialization or, as the case may be, the certification of the unemployed for the purpose of their subsequent reintegration into the labour field and is carried out by the providers of professional training services, public or private, authorized under the law or by employers.

Professional training is carried out through: Voucher-based vocational training courses On-the-job training within the unit Professional internships Certification of knowledge and skills acquired in non-formal and informal education contexts Voucher-based vocational training courses 

The goal:

Provision of vocational training activities based on vouchers to unemployed persons, in order to increase their chances of employment.


Persons registered as unemployed at the territorial employment subdivisions.

The unemployed person can be trained in a vocational training course if he meets the following conditions:

- does not have a profession/trade or has a trade/profession but is not in demand on the local labour market;

- the state of health allows him to train and exercise after the training the trade/profession/specialty selected for professional training, in accordance with the medical certificate;

- the level of education corresponds to the requirements of the professional training providers for the respective job/profession;

- has not previously benefited from the voucher-based vocational training measure, but only once in a 24-month interval from the date of completion of the previous measure.

Organization mode:

NEA concludes a framework agreement and contracts for the provision of professional training services with providers. Unemployed people receive a voucher for vocational training courses only after they have benefited from career guidance services and received a recommendation for vocational training through courses from the specialist of the territorial employment subdivision.

Required documents:

- copy of the identity document;

- copy of education and qualification documents;

- the medical certificate showing that the unemployed person's state of health allows him to train and exercise, after the training, the trade/profession, the occupation selected for professional training.

The unemployed trained in vocational training through voucher-based courses benefit from:

- non-taxable monthly scholarship, in the amount of 35% of the average monthly salary in the economy for the previous year, which is granted in proportion to the attendance at professional training courses.

To benefit from the voucher-based vocational training measure, you can apply to one of the territorial employment subdivisions.

Legal framework:

- Legea nr.105 din 14.06.2018 cu privire la promovarea ocupării forţei de muncă și asigurarea de șomaj(https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=139819&lang=ro#

- Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1276 din 26.12.2018 pentru aprobarea procedurilor privind accesul la măsurile de ocupare a forței de muncă

(https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=135903&lang=ro#) On-the-job training within the unit  

The goal:

On-the-job training is a process of vocational training of the unemployed in order to obtain the knowledge, skills, competences and qualifications necessary for employment.


Persons registered as unemployed at the territorial employment subdivisions.

The unemployed person can be trained in on-the-job training within the unit if he meets the following conditions:

- does not have a profession or trade or has a profession or trade that is not in demand on the local labour market;

- has benefited from career guidance services and has a recommendation for workplace training;

- according to the medical certificate, he is fit for training and exercising, after the training, the profession/trade, the occupation selected for professional training;

- has not previously benefited from the on-the-job training measure within the unit, but only once in a 24-month interval from the date of completion of the previous measure.

Organization mode:

On-the-job training within the unit involves training within a professional training service provider and an economic agent.

The theoretical training of the unemployed trainee is carried out by the professional training service provider and includes no more than 20% of the total volume of hours intended for the professional training program.

The practical training of the unemployed trainee is carried out by the employer and includes at least 80% of the total volume of hours intended for the professional training program.

Required documents:

- copy of the identity document;

- copy of education and qualification documents;

- the medical certificate showing that the unemployed person's state of health allows him to train and exercise, after the training, the trade/profession, the occupation selected for professional training.

The unemployed trained in the measure of on-the-job training within the unit benefits from:

- non-taxable monthly scholarship, in the amount of 35% of the average monthly salary in the economy for the previous year, which is granted proportionally to the frequency.

The employer trained in that measure benefits from a subsidy equal to 30% of the average monthly salary in the economy for the previous year, throughout the duration of the practical training.

To benefit from the on-the-job training measure within the unit, you can apply to one of the territorial employment subdivisions.

Legal framework:

- Law no. 105 from 14.06.2018 regarding the promotion of employment and unemployment insurance


- Government Decision no. 1276 from 26.12.2018 for the approval of procedures regarding access to employment measures (https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=141661&lang=ro# Professional internships  

Professional internship is a vocational training measure that is organized for the purpose of acquiring the practical skills of the unemployed, strengthening their skills and practical abilities, as well as increasing the level of practical skills to meet the real needs of employers for qualified personnel. The duration of a professional internship is up to 4 months.


Persons registered as unemployed at the territorial employment subdivisions.

The unemployed person can be trained in the professional internship if he meets the following conditions:

- does not have seniority in the profession held;

- has not been active in the profession held in the last two years preceding the date of registration with unemployed status;

- has benefited from career guidance services and has a recommendation for a professional internship;

- according to the medical certificate, he is fit for training and exercising, after the training, the profession/trade, the occupation selected for professional training;

- has not previously benefited from the professional internship measure.

The professional internship is carried out within the units of public or private law, which have informed the territorial employment subdivisions about the availability of participation in the professional internship measure.

Required documents:

- copy of the identity document;

- copy of education and qualification documents;

- the medical certificate showing that the unemployed person's state of health allows him to train and exercise, after the training, the trade/profession, the occupation selected for professional training.

The unemployed trained in the measure of professional internship benefits from:

- non-taxable monthly scholarship, in the amount of 35% of the average monthly salary in the economy for the previous year, which is granted proportionally to the frequency.

The employer trained in that measure benefits from:

- a subsidy equal to 30% of the average monthly salary in the economy for the previous year, for the entire duration of the professional internship.

To benefit from the professional training measure through professional internships, you can apply to one of the territorial employment subdivisions.

Legal framework:

- Law no. 105 from 14.06.2018 on the promotion of employment and unemployment insurance 


- Government Decision no. 1276 from 26.12.2018 for the approval of procedures regarding access to employment measures (https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=141661&lang=ro# Certification of knowledge and skills acquired in non-formal and informal education contexts

The goal:

The certification of knowledge and skills acquired in non-formal and informal education contexts is an active measure of employment, which aims to increase the chances of employment in the labour field of the unemployed who have relevant learning outcomes defined in the form of knowledge, skills obtained until the request for validation through non-formal and informal education.


Persons registered as unemployed at the territorial employment subdivisions.

The unemployed person can be trained for the certification measure if he meets the following conditions:

- has skills and wants to certify them in order to increase the chances of employment;

- has benefited from career guidance services and has a recommendation for the certification measure;

- according to the medical certificate, he is fit to perform work in the profession/trade/specialty held and selected for certification;

- he benefited from the certification measure only once for each period in which the person is registered as unemployed.

Required documents:

- copy of the identity document;

- copy of education and qualification documents;

- the medical certificate showing that the unemployed person's state of health allows him to work in the profession/trade/specialty held and selected for professional training.

Mode of organization:

The unemployed person trained in the respective measure benefits from the coverage of transport expenses, in the case of sending the unemployed person for the certification of the knowledge and skills acquired in non-formal and informal education contexts in a locality other than the one where he actually lives, based on the presented travel tickets.

To benefit from the professional training measure through professional internships, you can apply to one of the territorial employment subdivisions.

Legal framework:

- Law no. 105 from 14.06.2018 on promotion of employment and unemployment insurance 


- Government Decision no. 1276 from 26.12.2018 for the approval of procedures regarding access to employment measures (https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=141661&lang=ro#

1.2.2. Subsidizing jobs to employ the unemployed who require additional support on the labour market  

The job subsidy measure is organized for the unemployed who require additional support on the labour market, in order to facilitate their integration into the labour market.

The goal:

Stimulating employers who hire unemployed people from vulnerable groups, by partially compensating the employee's salary.


Employers who hire for an indefinite or fixed period, of at least 12 months, with the normal duration of working time, with reduced duration of working time or with partial working time (part-time work), according to the Labour Code, unemployed that require additional support on the labour market from the following categories:

- young people aged between 16 and 18 left without parental care;

- persons with disabilities;

- long-term unemployed;

- people aged 50 and over;

- persons released from places of detention;

- victims of human trafficking, after psychological and social rehabilitation;

- people struggling with the consumption of narcotic or psychotropic substances, after social and psychological rehabilitation;

- victims of domestic violence.

- other categories subject to the risk of social exclusion established by law or by the Government.

Employers trained in that measure benefit from:

monthly subsidies in an amount equal to 80% of the amount of the basic salary, according to the individual employment contract, of the employee, but not more than 50% of the average monthly salary in the economy for the previous year, for a period of 6 months, for each unemployed person employed. The subsidy is granted for the purpose of partial compensation of the employed unemployed person's salary.

Employers who meet the following conditions can apply for subsidies:

- are registered in the State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs;

- their activity is not suspended, they are not in the process of insolvency or liquidation;

- they have no debts to the national public budget for the previous year;

- they have no debts towards employees for the previous year.

Granting method:

Employers who are interested in benefiting from subsidies, can contact the territorial employment subdivision in whose area they operate, to submit according to the forms approved by NEA:

- The request regarding the granting of monthly subsidies related to the subsidization of jobs;

- The declaration regarding the fulfillment of the conditions for granting the monthly subsidies related to subsidizing jobs.

Legal framework:

- Law no. 105 from 14.06.2018 on promotion of employment and unemployment insurance ((https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=139819&lang=ro#)

- Government Decision no. 1276 from 26.12.2018 for the approval of procedures regarding access to employment measures (https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=141661&lang=ro#

1.2.3. Subsidy for the creation or adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities 

The subsidy measure for the creation or adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities is organized to increase the employment level of people with disabilities on the labour market.

The goal:

Stimulating employers who employ the unemployed with disabilities, by partially compensating the costs of creating or adapting the job for the unemployed with disabilities.


Employers who create jobs or adapt existing jobs and who hire unemployed people with disabilities on the basis of an individual employment contract, for an indefinite or fixed period, with a duration of at least 12 months.

The employer trained in that measure benefits from:

compensation of 50% - in the case of employing people with medium disabilities and 75% - in the case of employing people with accentuated and severe disabilities from the costs borne by the employer, necessary for the creation or adaptation of the workplace and the employment for a determined period of the support staff, and the size of the subsidy cannot exceed the amount of 10 average monthly wages per economy for the previous year for each job created or adapted.

Employers who meet the following conditions can apply for subsidies:

- are registered in the State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs;

- their activity is not suspended, they are not in the process of insolvency or liquidation;

- they have no debts to the national public budget for the previous year;

- they have no debts towards employees for the previous year.

Granting method:

Employers who are interested in benefiting from subsidies can contact the territorial employment subdivision, in area of which they operate, to submit, according to the forms approved by NEA:

- The request regarding the granting of the subsidy for the creation/adaptation of the workplace for the person with disabilities;

- Declaration regarding the fulfillment of the conditions for granting the subsidy for the creation/adaptation of the workplace for the person with disabilities.

Legal framework:

- Law no. 105 from 14.06.2018 on promotion of employment and unemployment insurance ((https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=139819&lang=ro#)

- Government Decision no. 1276 from 26.12.2018 for the approval of procedures regarding access to employment measures (https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=141661&lang=ro#

1.2.4. Consulting, assistance and support for starting a business 

The consultancy, assistance and business start-up support measure is an active employment measure that provides support, including financial support, to unemployed people who want to open their own business.

The goal:

- financial support for the unemployed who wish to initiate an entrepreneurial activity and regain financial independence;

- job creation;

- developing the entrepreneurial skills of the unemployed;

- stimulating the development of new enterprises by facilitating their access to financing.


Unemployed who meet the following conditions:

- they are 18 years old on the date of submitting the financing application;

- are registered as unemployed at one of the territorial employment subdivisions.

Eligible conditions for financing business plans:

Business plans that meet the following conditions are eligible to be financed:

- provide for the creation of a new enterprise (entrepreneurship activities) with the generation of at least one job, to be occupied by the beneficiary of the subsidy;

- obtain a score of at least 60 points, according to the evaluation results of the evaluation committee;

- provide co-financing from the beneficiary in the amount of 20% of the estimated costs.

Eligible unemployed people can benefit from:

- consultancy and assistance for starting a business;

- subsidies to cover the expenses necessary to start a business, as well as to endow the job created.

Grant size:

constitutes 80% of the expenses necessary to start a business, as well as for the endowment of the job created, estimated by the unemployed person, but not more than 20 average monthly wages for the economy for the previous year.

20% of the estimated costs constitute the contribution/co-financing, quantified monetarily or in kind (salary of the job created), from the beneficiary.

Destination of the grant:

The subsidy is granted to cover the costs of registering the company, according to the legislation, as well as for the procurement of technological equipment, machines and vehicles for transporting goods and passengers, work equipment and installations, measuring, control and regulation devices and installations, computer technology , the furniture for equipping the designed spaces.

Expenses for the rental or construction of the building where the business is located, the costs for utilities and the payment of employees' salaries are not eligible for financing from the subsidy granted.

How to grant:

Consultancy, assistance and support for the initiation of a business are granted, upon request, to the unemployed who initiate an entrepreneurial activity, through which they create a job.

To benefit from the subsidy, the unemployed must submit the following documents to the territorial employment subdivision, directly or electronically:

- The financing request, accompanied by the business plan;

- The application form, according to the model approved by the Government;

- 3 commercial offers of each product included in the business plan, except for those that are not found on the market in the Republic of Moldova or that are provided by a single national distributor

Legal framework:

- Law no. 105 of 14.06.2018 on promotion of employment and unemployment insurance ((https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=139819&lang=ro#)

- Government Decision no. 1276 of 26.12.2018 for the approval of procedures regarding access to employment measures (https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=141661&lang=ro#

1.2.5. Supporting local initiative projects  

The local initiative project support measure is an active labour force measure that provides subsidies to employers who create new jobs in rural areas and therefore employ unemployed people in these new jobs.

The goal:

Stimulating the creation of jobs in villages (communes) throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova.


Employers who create new jobs in rural localities and hire unemployed people registered at the territorial employment subdivisions.

Employers who meet the following conditions can apply for subsidies:

- they are registered according to the legislation and create new jobs in the countryside;

- their activity is not suspended, they are not in the process of insolvency or liquidation;

- they have no debts to employees for the previous year and to the national public budget for the previous year;

- they have not had employees fired in the last 12 months prior to the submission of the application for granting the subsidy, except in cases where the employment relationships were suspended pursuant to art. 82 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 154/2003;

- present a business plan that provides for the creation of at least one new job in the rural environment and the estimated cost for its creation;

- ensure co-financing of 35% of the estimated cost of the project, which can be quantified monetarily.

Eligible conditions for financing business plans:

Business plans that meet the following conditions are eligible to be financed:

- provide for the creation of at least one new job, with the employment of at least one unemployed person, for a period of at least 12 months;

- obtain a score of at least 80 points, according to the conclusions regarding the file evaluation of the evaluation committee.

Grant size:

constitutes 65% of the value of the eligible expenses related to the project, but not more than 20 average salaries per economy for the previous year.

Destination of the grant:

The subsidy is intended exclusively for the procurement of technological equipment, machines, tools, measuring, control and regulation devices and installations, computing techniques, furniture for equipping the spaces designed for the economic activity for which funding was requested.

How to grant:

In order to benefit from the subsidy, the employer must submit the following documents to the territorial employment subdivision, in the area of which he operates, according to the models approved by the Government/NEA:

- Request for financing;

- The application form accompanied by the Business Plan;

- Self-declaration of liability;

- Copy of the Registration Certificate/excerpt from it.

Legal framework:

- Law no. 105 of 14.06.2018 on promotion of employment and unemployment insurance ((https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=139819&lang=ro#)

- Government Decision no. 1276 of 26.12.2018 for the approval of procedures regarding access to employment measures (https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=141661&lang=ro#

1.2.6. Stimulating labour mobility 

The measure to stimulate labour force mobility is an active labour force measure by which a single allowance is offered to the unemployed who takes up a job selected by the territorial employment subdivision in a locality other than the one in which the unemployed actually lives.

The goal:

Facilitating the integration into the labour field and increasing the chances of employment of unemployed persons registered as unemployed.


Unemployed persons registered at the territorial employment subdivision, who are employed, with a normal duration of working time, with a reduced duration of working time or with partial working time (part-time work), according to the provisions of the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 154/2003, for a period of at least 6 months, at a job vacancy registered and selected by the territorial employmnet subdivision.

The person with accentuated or severe disabilities registered at the territorial employment subdivisions with unemployed status, who is employed, for an indefinite or determined period, with a normal duration of working time, with a reduced duration of working time or with part-time work (part-time work), according to the provisions of the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 154/2003, at a workplace proposed by the territorial subdivision or individually identified, located in a different locality than the locality where he actually lives, benefits for the entire duration of the employment from a non-taxable monthly subsidy, to cover transport expenses, in the amount and in the manner determined by the Government.

Granting method:

To request the single employment allowance, the unemployed submit to the territorial employment subdivision where they are registered, within 5 working days from the date of employment:

- the application regarding the granting of the single employment allowance;

- copy of the identity card;

- labour contract;

- self-responsibility declaration regarding the actual place of residence.

The single allowance is granted only once within a period of 24 months from the date of employment and is paid by the Agency in equal parts during the first 6 months from the date of employment.

To request the monthly subsidy to cover transport expenses, the unemployed with disabilities submit to the territorial employment subdivision where they are registered, within 30 calendar days from the date of employment:

- the request for the granting of the monthly subsidy to cover transport expenses;

- copy of the identity card;

- the individual employment contract or, as the case may be, the copy of another document that proves the person's employment;

- the confirmation from the employer which shows that he does not provide free transport or does not compensate the transport costs for the trip from the locality where the person actually lives to the locality where the workplace where he was employed is located;

- self-responsibility declaration regarding the actual place of residence.

- the owner's statement of reception in the residential space, to confirm the actual place of residence.

Unemployed people with pronounced or severe disabilities cannot simultaneously benefit from the single employment allowance and the non-taxable monthly subsidy to cover transport expenses.

Legal framework:

- Law no. 105 of 14.06.2018 on promotion of employment and unemployment insurance ((https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=139819&lang=ro#)

- Government Decision no. 1276 of 26.12.2018 for the approval of procedures regarding access to employment measures (https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=141661&lang=ro#


Employment facilitation programs

NEA can implement special employment programs, among them:

- Unemployment prevention programs;

- Territorial employment support programs;

- Programs to facilitate the integration into the labour field of migrants, of national minorities;

- Programs to facilitate the employment of the unemployed who require additional support on the labour market 


Unemployment insurance

Unemployment insurance is a passive measure of employment which has the role of insuring, in case of unemployment, a person insured in the public social insurance system, fit for work, but who, for reasons provided by law, cannot perform work according to his training, and it is achieved by making available to him, for a determined period, the unemployment allowance.


People who have lost a job and cumulatively meet the following conditions:

- are registered as unemployed at one of the NEA territorial employment subdivisions.

- does not earn income from work activities on the date of establishment of the right to unemployment allowance, with the exception of the severance allowance, salary recalculations related to severance and pensions, other than the old-age pension;

- they have activated and completed a contribution period in the public state social insurance system of at least 12 months in the last 24 calendar months preceding the date of registration;

- do not refuse a suitable job or participate in the active employment measures offered by the territorial employment subdivision according to the individual employment plan of the unemployed.

Organization mode:

According to the legal provisions, 2 institutions are involved in the process of granting the unemployment allowance:

1. NEA, which, through the territorial employment subdivisions, is responsible for granting the status of unemployed, establishing the right to grant unemployment allowance, suspending, restoring and terminating the payment of unemployment allowance;

2. The National Social Insurance House (CNAS) which, through the territorial social insurance houses, is responsible for calculating the amount, establishing the period and paying the unemployment allowance.

Amount of unemployment benefit:

The amount of the unemployment allowance is 40% of the average insured monthly income of the person, achieved in the last 12 months of the last 24 calendar months preceding the date of registration with unemployed status.

Unemployment benefit payment period:

It is determined differently, depending on the contribution period, as follows:

a) 5 calendar months, in the case of a contribution period between at least 12 months and up to 10 years;

b) 7 calendar months, in the case of a contribution period between 10 and 15 years;

c) 9 calendar months, in the case of a contribution period of over 15 years.

Unemployed beneficiaries of unemployment benefits are insured in the public social insurance system and in the mandatory health care insurance system. The period in which the unemployed person receives unemployment benefits is included in the contribution period.