Monthly support indemnity for rising up to the age of 3 twin children or several children born from a single pregnancy

Granting financial support to the mother, and in case of her death - to another legal representative of the children, provided that the data for establishing the indemnity are available in the state information resources and registered in the Information System of the National Office of Social Insurance, within 12 months of on the date of birth of the children. If the data were registered later than the indicated term, the indemnity is established retroactively, but not more than for 12 months preceding the date of registration, but not later than 3 years from the date of the child's birth.

In the case of people who have adopted a child or placed him in the guardianship service, provided that it was requested within 12 months from the date of approval of the adoption or the issuance of the disposition of the child's placement in the guardianship guardianship/trusteeship. If the respective indemnity was requested later than the indicated term, the indemnity is established retroactively, but no more than for 12 months preceding the date of registration, but no later than 3 years from the date of the child's birth. In the event of the death of the child/children, if there is only one child left in the family among the twin children or of several children born from a single pregnancy, during the life of the deceased child/children, if they meet the prescribed conditions.

The monthly support allowance for raising up to 3 years of age of twins or multiple children born from a single pregnancy is established ex officio on the basis of the data available in the State Population Register, consumed through the interoperability platform, without submitting the application to the territorial social insurance office or electronic application.


  • 1
    Step 1. Receiving data on the birth of the child, available in the State Population Register, through the interoperability platform (MConnect)

    In the case of the child's adoption or placement in the guardianship service, the application for granting the indemnity is submitted to the territorial office of social insurance

  • 2
    Step 2. Issuing the decision

  • 3
    Step 3. Formation of payments and transmission of information to the government electronic payment service MPay for the distribution of the benefit amount

  • 4
    Step 4. Distribution of the benefit to the beneficiary through the selected payment method


National Office of Social Insurance of the Republic of Moldova
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