Registration as a resident of the International Free Port "Giurgiulești"

Resident of the International Port, can be any natural or legal person of the Republic of Moldova or of another state, registered in the Republic of Moldova as a subject of entrepreneurial activity, who leases goods or land on the territory of the International Port and who is registered by the Government Representative in the International Port.

The registration of the resident of the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti" represents the confirmation by the Government Representative in the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti" of the fact of the registration of the economic agent as a resident of the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti".

The natural or legal person is considered registered from the date of registration in the Register of Residents of the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti" and issuance of the corresponding certificate.

The Resident's Certificate is a document confirming the registration of the enterprise as a resident, and, under the corresponding authorization, serves as the basis for conducting business in the International Port and for benefiting from the tax, customs and other regimes provided by the legislation for residents of the International Port. 


  • 1
    Step 1. Submit your application

    In order to receive authorization as a resident of the International Port it is necessary to submit an application in writing or in electronic form to the Representative of the Government.

    ·        at the counter at: mun. Chisinau, Grand National Assembly Square, 1.

    ·        by e-mail:



  • 2
    Step 2. Verification of documents

    The Government Representative examines the application and the set of submitted documents and issues the decision on the registration of the economic operator as a resident of the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti". The information on the companies registered as residents of the International Free Port of Giurgiulesti, as well as changes in the structure of the founders, replacement of the administrator and introduction of other information are entered into the electronic register of residents, which is kept by the Government Representative.

  • 3
    Step 3. Register as a resident

    On the basis of the Decision on the registration of the economic operator as a resident of the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti", the Government Representative issues the Resident Certificate. The Government Representative sends the copies of the decision on the registration (cancellation of the registration) of the residents, as well as on the change of the name of the enterprise resident in the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti", within 15 days from the date of the adoption of the decision, to the following addresses: a) the resident of the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti"; b) the general investor; c) the customs service of the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti"; d) the security service of the International Free Port "Giurgiulesti"; e) the subdivision of the State Tax Service; f) the National Bureau of Statistics; g) the National Bank of Moldova.

  • 4
    Step 4. Issue the certificate

    The certificate is generated online via the SI GEAP information system for managing authorisation documents. The certificate must be sent to the administrator (or the representative of the company by power of attorney) no later than 10 calendar days from the date of submission of the documents for registration. The Resident's Certificate is a document confirming the registration of the company as a resident and, on the basis of the corresponding permit, serves as a basis for conducting business in the International Port and for benefiting from the tax, customs and other regimes provided by the legislation for residents of the International Port.

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