License for the import/export of tobacco products and/or related products; import and/or industrial processing of unfermented tobacco and/or fermented tobacco; manufacture of tobacco products and/or related products and/or wholesale trade in tobacco products and/or related products, and/or unfermented tobacco, and/or fermented tobacco
A permissive act issued in accordance with the law by the competent authority attesting the right to import/export tobacco products and/or related products; import and/or industrial processing of unfermented tobacco and/or fermented tobacco; manufacture of tobacco products and/or related products and/or wholesale trade in tobacco products and/or related products, and/or unfermented tobacco, and/or fermented tobacco.
The applicant for the license to import /export tobacco products and/or related products; import and/or industrial processing of unfermented tobacco and/or fermented tobacco; manufacture of tobacco products and/or related products and/or the wholesale trade in tobacco products and/or related products and/or unfermented tobacco and/or fermented tobacco must meet the following conditions:
- Carrying out the import and/or trade only in tobacco products which have excise stamps directly on the package.
- Compliance with the rules on labour, fire and health protection.
- The possession of own or rented, well ventilated wholesale warehouses, equipped with the necessary machinery to maintain the conditions of storage of the production required by the normative-technical documents and with computerized record system (for the import, manufacture and wholesale trade of tobacco products).
- The availability of specialists in the field, the necessary technology and technological equipment, measuring devices and means of product quality control (for the industrial and post-fermentation processing of tobacco).
- The possession of technical-material base with the full complex of technological processes, machinery and means of quality control of the finished production, as well as personnel and specialists with appropriate qualifications in the field (for the manufacture of tobacco products).
- 1Step 1. Submitting the application
The applicant (or his/her legal representative), by pressing the Apply button, identifies him/herself in the system (, fills in the application and uploads the necessary documents, in person or with the help of the receptionist at the counter.
publicService.channels.2.title - 2Step 2. Application processing
In case the applicant (or his/her legal representative):
a) submits the application and the necessary documents with the help of the receptionist at the counter, the receptionist: - will receive and duly register the application (declaration) for obtaining the license and will receive the documents submitted by the applicant, and - will immediately and unconditionally issue to the applicant the constatation certificate according to the model indicated in Annex no. 3 to the Law no. 160 of 22.07.2011, - will send the case (electronic copies of the application and accompanying documents) to the issuing authority for review. The application may be returned to the applicant only if the application does not contain the information necessary to identify the applicant.
b) submits the application and uploads the documents personally directly into the system, the system: - will automatically generate the electronic document confirming receipt of the application and documents ("constatation certificate ") and - will automatically forward the application and the set of documents to specialized Department.
- 3Step 3. Application examination
The responsible specialist opens the case, examines the application and accompanying documents, checks compliance with the conditions. In the case of the lack of the required documents/information expressly stipulated by the legislation, the specialist will suspend the deadline for examination of the application and will immediately inform the applicant about this fact, specifying and describing the reason for the suspension, the deadline and the remedial actions to be taken in order to initiate the examination of the application.
On the basis of the complete set of documents the specialist examines the case and organizes additional examinations on the interior for taking the decision on issuing the license. On the day of registration of the application and submission of the documents stipulated by this Article for obtaining/reissuing the license, the licensing authority shall notify the control bodies in the field of fiscal control, legal metrological control, as well as the national supervisory and control body on the manufacture and circulation of tobacco products and related to it, in order to ascertain (with or without requesting a control visit from the respective bodies) the compliance of the main technological equipment for the manufacture of tobacco production and related to it with the requirements of this Law.
No later than 7 working days from the date of the notification, the control bodies in the field of fiscal control, legal metrological control and national supervision and control over the manufacture and circulation of tobacco production and related to it, shall send a notification or the control minutes on the results of the performed verification.
- 4Step 4. Notification and service payment
If the issuance of the permissive act is accepted, the applicant (or his/her legal representative) receives an electronic notification and pays the established fee through the MPay service or at the bank. If the fee is paid at the bank, the applicant presents the original payment voucher with signature/wet stamp.
publicService.channels.4.title - 5Step 5. Completion of the permissive act or refusal
After submitting the document confirming the payment of the fee for the issuance/extension or its reissuance, the specialist shall complete the permissive act which will be signed by the head of Department or his/her deputy.
In the case of refusal of the application, the specialist shall inform the applicant of the refusal, with an appropriate justification in accordance with the provisions of the law, and only if the applicant does not meet the conditions expressly specified in the law or, as the case may be, does not prove that these conditions have been met during the suspension of the deadline for examination of the application.
- 6Step 6. Issue of the permissive act
After the generation of a permissive act, the applicant or his legal representative receives an electronic notification, with the possibility to download the document directly from the applicant’s personal cabinet or email.
On request, the act can be issued on paper at the PSA office, at the address mun. Chisinau, A. Pushkin 47, floor 3, office 308.