Radiological approval

The permissive act by which legal entities and individuals are authorized to carry out nuclear and radiological activities with sources of ionizing radiation not exempted from the authorization regime.

The following non-approved nuclear and radiological activities from the authorization regime according to the provisions of the present law shall be subject to authorization:

   a) exploitation of roentgen facilities in medical diagnosis;

    b) possession of sources of ionizing radiation;

    c) import / export, temporary admission or temporary export and supply of sources of ionizing radiation;

    d) import / export, temporary admission or temporary export and supply of radioactive sources;

    e) transportation, transit of radioactive materials;

    f) exploitation of sources of ionizing radiation and particle accelerators in radiotherapy;

    g) the use of radioactive substances in nuclear medicine;

    h) exploitation of sources of ionizing radiation in research, industry, including industrial radiography and non-destructive control;

    i) the exploitation of ionizing radiation sources in metrological control;

    j) manufacture, installation, installation, commissioning, repair, modification of the roentgen installations;

    k) design and construction of nuclear and radiological objectives;

    l) temporary and / or final disposal, use, handling, processing and treatment of radioactive waste;

    m) the use, in monitoring, control and surveillance, of devices for the dosimeter control of parameters of ionizing radiation fields, materials and devices for protection against ionizing radiation;

    n) decommissioning of nuclear and radiological objectives.


  • 1
    Submitting of notification

    The applicant (or his legal representative) by clicking the “Reguest” button ( personally or with the help of an administrator submits a notification (a written document in the established form, whereby an individual or a legal entity notifies the National Agency of its intention to carry out nuclear and/or radiological activities)



  • 2
    Complete the notification and upload the required documents

    The applicant fills out the notification and uploads the necessary documents for the requested type of activity personally or with the help of the administrator

    If the Applicant (or his legal representative):

    a) submits a notification and uploads documents personally directly into the system, then the system:

    - will automatically generate a document in electronic format which is confirming receipt of the notification and documents (“ascertaining certificate”) and

    - automatically send the notification and documents to the issuing authority.

    b) submits the notification and the necessary documents with the assistance of the administrator, the administrator will: - receive and properly register the notification of the request for Radiological approval and receive the documents submitted by the Applicant, and - immediately issue to the Applicant an ”ascertaining certificate” according to the Annex No. 3 of Law 160/2011, and - will send the case (electronic copies of the notification and submitted documents) to the issuing authority. A notification may be returned (rejected) to the applicant only if the notification does not contain the information necessary to identify the applicant.


  • 3
    Examination of the request

    The issuing authority (specialist) opens the case, reviews the notification and attached documents, and checks compliance with the conditions. In the case of finding the lack of necessary documents/information, the issuing authority (the Specialist) will suspend the examination of the notification and will immediately inform the Applicant of this fact with description of the basis for the suspension, the deadline and remedial actions.

    In the evaluation process, the National Agency may, as appropriate, carry out visits to the territory to confirm what is presented by the applicant, drawing up an Evaluation Act, with the indication of the deadline for correction of the non-conformities.

    In case of failure to fulfill the measures indicated in the Evaluation Act, the Specialist writes a letter of rejection, with an appropriate justification based on the provisions of the law, with notification of the Applicant.

  • 4
    Radiological approval application

    Upon receiving the notification regarding the inclusion in the requirements indicated in the Evaluation Act, the applicant can submit an application for obtaining the Radiological approval by accessing the Request button (



  • 5
    Issuance of Radiological approval

    After receiving an application for a Radiological approval, the specialist prepares a draft of Radiological approval.

  • 6
    Radiological approval obtaining

    After signing of the Radiological approval, the applicant (or his legal representative) receives an electronic notification, downloads the Radiological approval and confirms receipt of the document. If the permit is issued in paper form, the recipient of the Radiological approval prints it out and delivers it to the Applicant (or his legal representative) and confirms receipt.

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