Qualification of Energy Auditors

The qualification procedure of energy auditors is regulated by the Regulation on energy auditors and energy audit, approved by Government Decision No. 676 of 10.09.2020 (GD 676/2020).

The qualification of energy auditors is carried out separately for each category Buildings, Industry, Transport, by checking the compliance of applicants with a set of criteria established by this Regulation, with their subsequent registration by the National Center for Sustainable Energy (CNED) in the electronic Register of energy auditors.

Any individual applicant can obtain the authorization of energy auditor for the categories Buildings, industry, Transport, if he meets the following conditions cumulatively:

  • is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova;
  • Bachelor's degree in energy and/or technology in the category for which the qualification is requested and meet the minimum requirements established for them. Applicants who have a bachelor's degree in energy and/or technology but do not meet the minimum requirements established for them, or those who have been qualified and registered for one of the categories: Buildings, industry, Transport and want to be qualified and registered for another category must present to the CNED a certificate of completion a training course from an educational institution accredited and/or by CNED, specific to the category for which they want to apply.


  • 1
    Step 1. Application for qualification as energy auditor

    In order to qualify and be registered in the Electronic register of energy auditors as an energy auditor, the applicant submits an application (according to the annex), either on a piece of paper with a handwritten signature or in electronic format with an electronic signature to the address of the National Center for Sustainable Energy.

    The following documents are attached to the application:

    1. Declaration on own responsibility (according to the annex) ;
    2. Agreement on the processing of personal data (according to the annex);
    3. Copy of identity card;
    4. Copy of documents attesting the studies and/or qualifications held;
    5. Optionally, copies of documents/documents confirming professional experience according to studies and/or training courses are presented.


  • 2
    Step 2. Documents examination submitted by the applicant

    CNED reviews the documents submitted by the applicant within 15 days and, in the absence of comments, issues an order on qualification and registration in the Electronic register of energy auditors. If there are suspicions about the authenticity of the documents submitted by the applicant, CNED has the right to request the submission of the original documents to verify the information provided.

  • 3
    Step 3. Decision on qualification and registration and/or refusal of qualification and registration of energy auditors in the Electronic register of energy auditors

    The CNED order on qualification and registration and/or refusal of qualification and registration of energy auditors in the Electronic кegister of energy auditors shall be communicated to the applicant via email within 10 days from its issuance.

    The applicant has the right to challenge the order in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 116/2018.

National Center for Sustainable Energy
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