Food Safety Registration Certificate

The Food Safety Registration Certificate is a permissive and necessary act for the economic agents who participate in the following activities:

1.     Non-animal origin food safety activities;

2.     Animal and non-animal origin food marketing activities, even from a distance;

3.     Public food service activities and rural tourism;

4.     Ecological agriculture activities;

The Food Safety Registration Certificate is a permissive act issued to people who independently practice food marketing.

Holding the Food Safety Registration Certificate is guaranteed for consumers to know that the food is according to the food safety requests.


  • 1
    Step 1. Request submission

    The applicant submits a request through the following ways:

    1)     press the “Request” button and access the link: ;

    2)     at the counter of the territorial subdivisions for food safety within which they operate, where with the help of the receptionist they access SIA GEAP;

    3)     through the recommendation letter to the postal address of the territorial subdivision for food safety within which it operates.  


  • 2
    Step 2. Processing and Examining

    The specialist examines the application and accompanying documents. In the case of finding the lack of necessary documents/information expressly provided by the legislation, the issuing authority (specialist) will suspend the term for examination of the application and will immediately inform the applicant about this fact with the specification and description of the basis for the suspension, the term and remedial actions to initiate the examination of the application and decides on conducting a control visit to the unit indicated in the request within 5 working days. 

  • 3
    Step 3. Control performing

    The inspector examines the case and initiates an unexpected control with the purpose of inspecting the unit to be registered. After performing the control, the unit's checklist is perfected according to the applicant's field of activity and the control report based on which the food safety registration certificate is to be issued.

  • 4
    Step 4. Tax paying

    In case the unit corresponds to the provisions of the legal framework, the invoice is issued. The applicant is notified via email about the need to pay for the service provided. The service can be paid for through the government's electronic payment service MPay.


  • 5
    Step 5. Release/deferral/refusal of release

    When the permit is issued, the applicant (legal representative) receives a notification by e-mail, downloads the permit and confirms receipt of the document. If the unit does not correspond to the provisions of the legal framework, the inspectors indicate prescriptions to remove the non-conformities, which lead to the impossibility of issuing the permit.

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