Veterinary certification of products of animal origin

veterinary health certification involves carrying out veterinary checks, laboratory investigations and other veterinary health measures to establish the health status of animals and the harmlessness of products of animal origin and other products subject to veterinary health supervision for the protection of animal and public health, with the issuance of the appropriate veterinary health certificates by veterinarians.

The veterinarian, appointed by the Agency, will carry out the veterinary expertise and examine the results of the established laboratory tests at slaughterhouses and slaughter establishments (according to Annex 6, points 5.1 and 5.1.1) including for pig carcasses, tests by artificial digestion methods will be carried out. Veterinary certification for meat and by-products obtained from the slaughter of animals, and in the case of meat and by-products obtained from cow/ sheep/goats and horses animals - with the application of the health mark only after examination of the accompanying documents and verification of the data in the automated information system state register of animals.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submit your application

    The applicant (or his/her legal representative) shall submit the application to the ANSA at the address: str. Mihail Kogălniceanu 63 MD-2009, mun.Chisinau, Republic of Moldova or at the e-mail address:

  • 2
    Step 2. Paying the fee

    The applicant (or his/her legal representative) pays the fee via MPay or at the bank. Where the fee is paid at the bank, the applicant shall provide proof of payment.


  • 3
    Step 3. Examination of the application

    The issuing authority (specialist from the ANSA territorial subdivision) opens the case, examines the application and accompanying documents, checks compliance with the conditions. If the file is complete, it forwards the application to the official veterinarian, and if it is found that the required documents/information expressly provided for by law are missing, the issuing authority (specialist) will suspend the time limit for examining the application and will immediately inform the applicant of this fact, specifying and describing the reason for the suspension, the time limit and the remedial action to be taken in order to start examining the application. The specialist (the official veterinarian) examines the case and organizes the veterinary expertise and/or takes samples and orders the laboratory investigations necessary for the decision to issue the certificate.

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    Step 4. Sampling and investigations

    If the specialist (official veterinarian) has taken samples and sent them to the laboratory, the applicant will receive a notification indicating the requested laboratory tests and their cost. The applicant, within the set deadline, pays the laboratory the additional payment via MPay service or at the bank.

  • 5
    Step 5. Issuing the certificate

    The specialist (official veterinarian) on the basis of the veterinary expertise and/or negative laboratory results prepares, signs and forwards the certificate to the applicant. The certificate is received at the Agency counter. If the veterinary expert opinion and/or laboratory results are positive, the Specialist (official veterinarian) prepares, signs and forwards a letter rejecting the issue of the certificate.

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