Certification of cadastral engineers

Confirms that the certificate holder possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out cadastral work on real property and works related to the delimitation of public property..


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of the application

    The application and required documents can be submitted:

    1. online – by clicking the "Request" button;
    2. at the Agency's office located at: 48 Serghei Lazo Street, Chişinău municipality;
    3. or sent via email to: info@agcc.gov.md.



  • 2
    Pasul 2. Admiterea/respingerea cererii

    The examination of the application by the Certification Commission and the issuance of the decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the application.

  • 3
    Step 3. Issuance of the ascertaining certificate

    Immediate and unconditional issuance of the certificate to the applicant, according to the established model, using the method of submission of the application.

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    Step 4. Examining the documents and making the decision

    The cadastre certification commission examines the documents presented by the applicant and adopts the decision regarding admission or rejection to the certification procedure.

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    Step 5. Organization of the certification procedure

    Organization of the certification procedure: the written test and the interview.

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    Step 6. Information on the results of the certification procedure

    Applicants are notified of the results of the certification procedure by e-mail or online on the official AGCC website.

  • 7
    Step 7. Issuing the decision

    The certification commission issues the decision on granting the cadastral engineer's certificate to the applicants who have supported the certification procedure.

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    Step 8. Issuance of the certificate

    The cadastral engineer's certificate is issued in electronic format to the email address provided in the application.

Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre
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