Quality certificate of the propagating material and the imported planter if necessary

Certificate of quality of the propagating material and the imported planter - standardized document that confirms the authenticity and correspondence of the propagating material and planter to the technical requirements of the Republic of Moldova, issued by the territorial subdivisions of the National Agency for Food Safety.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submit your application

    The economic agent submits the application to the territorial subdivision of ANSA, within the range of which the importer operates.

  • 2
    Step 2. Paying for the service

    After submitting the request for the issuance of the quality certificate of the propagating material and the imported seedling, the economic agent makes the payment for the service to be provided. The service can be paid for through the government's electronic payment service MPay.

  • 3
    Step 3. Check documents

    The inspector responsible for the certification of the planting material within the territorial subdivision of ANSA verifies the correctness of completing the application and the accompanying documents, the correspondence of the data in the application with those of the accompanying documents.

  • 4
    Step 4. Taking the decision

    The decision on the receipt, postponement or rejection of the request for the issuance of the quality certificate of the propagating material and the imported seedling.

  • 5
    Step 5. Writing the report

    Preparation of the analysis report by the inspector

  • 6
    Step 6. Issuing the Certificate

    Issuance of the Quality Certificate of the propagating material and the imported planter, takes place at the ANSA territorial counter.

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