Registration of the warehouse for keeping phytosanitary products and fertilizers

The specialized warehouses (stores), their related areas, arranged and equipped with the necessary inventory, according to sanitary and hygienic norms, environmental protection requirements and fire safety rules in force, are validated, in the established manner, by the Agency's territorial directions National for Food Safety, based on the minutes, drawn up by the joint commission established by representatives of the territorial subdivisions of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Environment with the participation of an inspector from DCUPPPUFF. (Directorate for the control of the use and placing on the market of phytosanitary products and fertilizers).


  • 1
    Step 1. Filing the notice

    The applicant (or his legal representative) submits the set of documents required for the official registration of the specialized deposit by accessing the Request button.


  • 2
    Step 2. Organization of warehouse control

    The inspectors of the territorial subdivisions of the National Food Safety Agency for the control of phytosanitary products and fertilizers, within 5 working days of receiving the notification, organize a joint control of the joint commission for the validation of the warehouse.

  • 3
    Step 3. Performing the check

    The Joint Commission travels to the site to validate the deposit. Following the control, a report of the joint commission's control is drawn up, within 10 working days at the most, with or without the prescription of some recommendations to remove the detected non-conformities. The agency suspends the registration of the specialized warehouse. If, as a result of the control, violations are identified that present a major and imminent risk to the life and health of people or the environment and that cannot be removed, the Agency deletes the deposit from the Register.

  • 4
    Pasul 4. Achitarea

    After the control, the applicant is handed the invoice for the payment of the services provided. The service can be paid for through the government's electronic payment service Mpay.

  • 5
    Step 5. Release of the permissive act

    The extract regarding the registration of the warehouse for keeping phytosanitary products and fertilizers is issued through SIAGEAP and withdrawn by the National Agency for Food Safety through the territorial subdivisions and is signed by the heads or deputy heads of the territorial subdivision for food safety.

  • 6
    Step 6. Keeping track of specialized warehouses

    The National Agency for Food Safety (UPPPUFF Control Directorate). (Directorate for the control of the use and placing on the market of phytosanitary products and fertilizers)

    keeps in electronic format the Register of specialized warehouses for fertilizers and phytosanitary products and places it on the official website of ANSA.

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