Certificate of registration of economic agents for the production and/or processing and/or marketing of seeds

The certificate of registration of economic agents – is issued to applicants for the production and/or processing, and/or marketing of seeds and planting material.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submit your application

    The economic agent submits the application regarding the registration of economic agents for the production and/or processing and/or marketing of seeds, as well as the set of documents provided for in Law 68/2013 on seeds to the territorial Directorate of the National Safety Agency.

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    Step 2. Application processing

    The inspector responsible for registration within the territorial subdivision examines the application and accompanying documents, verifies compliance with the registration conditions. In the event that the necessary documents/information expressly provided by the law are found to be missing, it will reject the application and immediately inform the applicant of this fact with the specification and description of the basis for the rejection, as well as the remedial actions to resubmit the application.

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    Step 3. Application examination

    The territorial inspector in whose area of ​​activity the economic agent is located, within 5 working days from the submission of the application, following the on-site visit, draws up a report in which he proposes, as the case may be, registration or refuses registration the economic agent. The refusal to register will be motivated, indicating in the minutes the registration conditions related to the requested field of activity that the economic agent does not fulfill.

  • 4
    Step 4. Release/deferral/refusal of release

    Issuance of the Registration Certificate by the territorial subdivision of the National Food Safety Agency, if all the conditions established for registration are met.

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