Dissemination, upon request, of warning bulletins (for a harmful object)
The dissemination of warning bulletins is an element of the integrated system of plant protection and phytosanitary monitoring carried out in accordance with the legislation on plant protection and phytosanitary quarantine.
- 1Step 1. Submission of the request
Application for the provision of the service is submitted to the territorial subdivisions of the National Food Safety Agency in the operator's area of activity, on paper or online at the subdivision's official post office.
- 2Step 2. Paying for the service
Payment for the service can be made through the government electronic payment service MPay or at the bank counter.
- 3Step 3. Processing and Review
The issuing authority examines the application.
- 4Step 4. Distribution of bulletins
The issuing authority issues the warning bulletin to the operator.
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