Extract from the State Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
Extract from the State Register contains data on the name of the legal entity, first name and last name of the natural person individual entrepreneur, legal form of organization, state identification number (IDNO), date of registration, headquarters, first name and last name of the administrator, size of share capital, first name and last name or name of the associates, share of participation of associates, main object of activity, information about the beneficial owners.
Requirements for the applicant: natural person with full legal capacity or legal entity which, according to the normative framework, meets the legal requirements.
Pre-scheduling for requesting services in the territorial subdivisions of the PSA is available by accessing the link: https://programare.asp.gov.md/qwebbook/index.jsp?lang=ro
- 1Step 1. Submitting the application
The application, which must contain the identification data of the beneficiary, the data of the entity for which the extract from the State Register is requested and to which the proof of payment is attached and power of attorney of the representative of the registered entity, can be submitted in two ways:
1) Online - by pressing the Request button. The online service is accessible both for persons who have an electronic and/or mobile signature and for citizens who do not have an electronic identity. With the request you can also request the MDelivery service.
2) at the counter of the Multifunctional Centre/structural subdivision of the PSA.
publicService.channels.2.title - 2Step 2. Paying for the service
The service is paid through the Government Electronic Payment Service - MPay.
If the beneficiary of service (or his/her legal representative) submits the application online:
- he/she will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the application and information on the payment;
- after the payment of the service through MPay, the Beneficiary will receive a notification at the e-mail address indicated in the application confirming the payment of the service and the taking over of the application in work. The Beneficiary will also be informed about the date and time of delivery of the Extract from the State Register service, in accordance with the delivery option indicated in the service order application submitted by the Beneficiary;
- in case of requesting the extract in paper form, the Beneficiary will be informed by e-mail about the date of picking up the extract from the State Register and the number of the specialist who completed the extract.
publicService.channels.4.title - 3Step 3. Examination of the request
The Specialist:
- informs the Beneficiary of service about the procedure for providing the service against payment;
- establishes the identity of the Beneficiary of service or, as the case may be, of the person represented (identity document or document of representation);
- verifies the veracity of the information in the application of the Beneficiary of service by means of automated information systems;
- receives and processes the application;
- verifies the data of the legal entity/individual entrepreneur in the automated information system with the data in the file of the registered entity;
- ensures compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security of personal data when processing them in the personal data information systems;
- completes the extract from the State Register within the requested deadline;
- signs the completed extract with the application of the qualified advanced electronic signature, in compliance with the provisions of Law no. 91 /2014 (in case the extract is completed in electronic format) or by applying the holograph signature and the stamp with the State coat of arms (in case the extract is completed on paper);
- ensures the issuance/dispatch of the extract from the State Register by the means selected by the Beneficiary of service.
- 4Step 4. Issue of the extract
Issuance of the extract from the State Register can be carried out:
- through the Government Portal of Public Services "Government Portal of the Citizen and Entrepreneur" (MCabinet);
- via electronic mail, by sending the document to the e-mail address indicated in the service order application, accepting the conditions and duly assuming responsibility for handling the document in accordance with the relevant normative framework for personal data protection;
- at the counter of the territorial subdivisions of the PSA, if the beneficiary of service requests the document in paper form. It shall be delivered against signature, to the beneficiary of service or to the authorized representative by power of attorney, in the manner established by law, or by recording the empowerment on the basis of electronic signature (MPower);
- through the Government Document Delivery Service MDelivery, in case the beneficiary of service requests the document in paper form with delivery to the indicated address.
La momentul adresării. Condițiile de prestare a serviciului cu înlesniri sunt stipulate în pct.2 din HG 1004/2006 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la evidența de stat a organelor centrale de specialitate ale administrației publice şi autorităților administraţiei publice locale.