General authorization for the provision of postal services

General authorization is a legal regime ensuring the right of natural and legal persons registered as entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova, on the basis of Notifications submitted to ANRCETI, to provide postal services and conclude agreements for the use of the public postal network. The authorization procedure, as well as the conditions for the provision of postal services are established by the Law on Postal Communications No. 36 of 17.03.2016 and by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 12 of 16.06.2020.

The general authorization conditions for postal service provision require the following:

a)     compliance with the essential requirements by providers;

b)     presentation of information to ANRCETI under Law No.36/2016;

c)     availability of premises for service provision to users, technical equipment and vehicles needed for such activity.

The document confirming the right to provide postal services under the general authorization regime is the Standard Certificate for the registration in the Public Register of Postal Service Providers, which is issued to the applicant within 15 (fifteen) days from the moment of notification registration.

The general authorization is valid with no time limit.


  • 1
    Step 1: Submission of a Notification of Intent to provide postal services

    The applicant needs to fill in the standard Notification form and attach the following documents: 1) copy of the Identity Card of the applicant's administrator; 2) where applicable, the Power of Attorney for the person legally authorized to represent the applicant in relations with ANRCETI, where the application and/or documents are signed and/or submitted on behalf of the applicant by a person other than the administrator and the copy of this person's Identity Card; 3) extract from the State Register of Legal Entities. The notification and the accompanying documents may be submitted in one of the following ways: 1) by submitting it to ANRCETI office, personally or by a legal representative of the applicant; 2) by registered mail service, with confirmation of receipt; 3) by an entry in electronic form, to which an electronic signature based on a public key certificate is applied, not suspended or not revoked at that moment, to ANRCETI electronic address (


  • 2
    Step 2: Examination (verification of conformity) of the set of documents submitted for obtaining the right to provide postal services under the general authorization regime

    The issuing authority (ANRCETI) verifies the compliance with the conditions set for the submission of notification and the accompanying documents. Where the notification and accompanying documents meet all the requirements, the notification is accepted . In case of non-compliance, ANRCETI within maximum 5 (five) working days from notification submission, requires in written form, that the applicant fulfill all the established requirements. Absence of the necessary documents or the non-compliance with the requirements related to the transmission, form and content of the notification, can serve as a reason for rejection / refusal to issue an authorization.

  • 3
    Step 3: Registration of the applicant in the Public Register of Postal Service Providers

    The registration of the applicant in the Public Register of Postal Service Providers is the entry in the register of data that identify the provider and the types of postal services subject to general authorization.

  • 4
    Step 4: Issuance of the Standard Certificate for the registration in the Public Register of Postal Service Providers

    The Standard Certificate for the registration in the Public Register of Postal Service Providers represents the act attesting the fact of obtaining the right to provide postal services under the general authorization regime.

The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology
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