Assessment of Compliance with Fire Protection Requirements for Facilities, Constructions, Systems, and Installations

The fire protection system consists of a set of specific legal, organizational, economic, social, technical-scientific, and public information activities, planned, organized, and carried out to prevent and reduce the risks of fire occurrence, as well as to ensure an operational response for the evacuation and rescue of people, fire extinguishing, and protection of property and the environment from their effects. It includes:

  • State supervision in the field of fire protection;
  • Assessment of fire risks at facilities during the design, construction, operation, and post-use stages;
  • Participation in the reception of construction works and related installations.


  • 1
    Step 1. Processing the Request

    The applicant (beneficiary) will submit the application: 1) at the INST counter at the address: Casa presei, Str. Pușkin 22 Chisinau municipality, MD-2012; 2) by e-mail: Note: The model application form is placed in the Attachments.


  • 2
    Step 2. Processing and Review

    INST will receive and examine the submitted application;

  • 3
    Step 3: Issuance of the Minutes

    The INST, as a result of the examination of the submitted application, will issue an Inspection Act which it will issue at the institution's counter or will be sent by e-mail or post to the applicant.

Inspectoratul Național pentru Supraveghere Tehnică
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