Authorized Electrician Licensing
An authorized electrician is a natural person accredited by the state energy regulatory authority with the right to perform electrical installations and power plants, as well as to prepare documentation related to the performed works.
In the context of regulating activities in the electricity sector subject to licensing and authorization, ANRE (National Agency for Energy Regulation) issues, suspends, or withdraws electrician licenses and monitors the activities of authorized electricians based on the Regulation on Authorized Electrician Licenses approved by ANRE.
The Authorized Electrician License is a personal document valid throughout the Republic of Moldova for a period of 5 years from the date of issuance. It certifies the professional competence of the authorized electrician and grants the right to perform electrical installations and prepare documentation for the completed works.
The license is issued in electronic format, following the model established in the Regulation on Authorized Electrician Licenses, and includes the following details:
- Series and Number of the License
- ANRE Council Decision Number and Approval Date
- Full Name of the License Holder
- Authorization Level
- Validity Period of the License
- Photograph of the Authorized Person
- 11. Submission of the Application
The application for the Authorized Electrician License and copies of the required documents are submitted through the “e-Examen” application in the form of electronic documents with an electronic signature. Original documents must be presented to the Authorization Division within the Energy Supervision Department of ANRE by or on the day of the exam. Until the establishment and implementation of the register of information related to the authorization process for authorized electricians, as provided by Law No. 71/2007 on Registers, applications for the Authorized Electrician License will be processed through the Secretariat Division of ANRE.
publicService.channels.2.title - 22. Examination of Documents and Admission to the Exam
The Authorization Division within the Energy Supervision Department of ANRE reviews the submitted documents to ensure they meet the requirements set by the Regulation. If there are no objections, the Authorization Division validates the file and informs the applicant through the application about the possibility of scheduling the exam.
- 33. Conducting the Exam
The exam is organized monthly, on the last Monday of the month or on another day decided by the Examination Commission, with at least 3 working days’ notice given to the applicants before the exam. The exam is taken on a computer using the “e-Examen” application. If it is not possible to conduct the exam through the application due to technical issues, the Examination Commission will decide to postpone the exam or conduct it in written form. The duration of the exam is 2 hours.
- 44. Validation of Exam Results
Based on the candidate’s answers, the application generates an “Exam Report” which reflects the results of the exam. A candidate is considered to have passed the exam if they answer correctly and achieve a “satisfactory” rating on at least 80% of the exam subjects. The exam results are validated by the Examination Commission members by signing the minutes of the exam results based on the “Exam Report” or written answers.
- 55. Adoption of the Decision by the ANRE Board of Administration Regarding the Issuance of Licenses
Based on the minutes of the Examination Commission, the Authorization Division within the Energy Supervision Department of ANRE presents a draft decision to the ANRE Board of Administration for the approval of the issuance of licenses, within 3 working days after the exam date.
- 66. Issuance of Licenses and Record Keeping
The license is issued within a maximum of 10 working days from the date of the ANRE Board of Administration’s decision. The Authorized Electrician License is signed electronically by the General Director of ANRE. The record of issued, suspended, or revoked licenses is maintained through the Electronic Registry of Authorized Electrician Licenses, created according to the model established by the Regulation and integrated into the “e-Examen” application.