Authorization for the Electrotechnical Laboratory

The electrotechnical laboratory is a laboratory authorized by the state energy supervision body, which has the right to carry out preventive measurements and tests, as well as adjustment and acceptance tests in electrical networks and installations.

In the field of activities in the electricity sector subject to regulation by licensing and authorization, ANRE issues, suspends, or withdraws authorizations for the electrotechnical laboratory and monitors the activities of electrotechnical laboratories based on a regulation approved by ANRE (Regulation on the authorization of electrotechnical laboratories).

The authorization for the electrotechnical laboratory is a nominal document, valid throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova, for a period of 5 years.

The authorization for the electrotechnical laboratory is issued on a form, according to the model established in the Regulation on the authorization of electrotechnical laboratories, which contains:

-       the series, the authorization number, the number of the Decision of the ANRE Board of Directors, and the date of approval;

-       the name of the economic agent, IDNO;

-       the measurements and tests that can be performed by the electrotechnical laboratory;

-       the validity period of the authorization.

The authorization for the electrotechnical laboratory can be requested by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who cumulatively meet the following conditions:

-        have an electrotechnical laboratory;

-        have designated by order the head of the electrotechnical laboratory and, if applicable, its deputy, who complies with the provisions of the Regulation on the authorization of electrotechnical laboratories;

-        have electrotechnical personnel in the minimum necessary number for carrying out the works under safety conditions and who hold an electrical safety group according to the provisions of "Safety Norms for the Operation of Electrical Installations" NE1-02:2019, approved by the Decision of the ANRE Board of Directors No. 394/2019;

-        have technical means for measurements and tests with valid metrological verification certificates or calibration certificates with the validity period recommended and/or recognized by the National Institute of Metrology, not exceeded, own protection means, as well as premises for their storage;

-        have the documentation provided by the Regulation on the authorization of electrotechnical laboratories.


  • 1
    1.Submission of the Application

    Cererea pentru eliberarea autorizației cu privire la laboratorul electrotehnic și copiile documentelor se depun în aplicația „e-Examen” sub formă de documente electronice cu semnătură electronică. Documentele în original se prezintă subdiviziunii responsabile din cadrul Agenției până/sau în ziua examenului șefului laboratorului electrotehnic, adjunctului acestuia, șefilor de echipe. Până la instituirea și implementarea, conform prevederilor Legii nr. 71/2007 cu privire la registre, a registrului de evidență a informațiilor aferente procesului de autorizare a laboratoarelor electrotehnice, înregistrarea cererilor pentru obținerea autorizației cu privire la laboratorul electrotehnic se va efectua prin intermediul Secției secretariat a Agenției, cu anexarea copiilor taloanelor de autorizare la grupa de securitate electrică a personalului laboratorului electrotehnic. link:


  • 2
    2. Examination of Documents and the Electrotechnical Laboratory at Its Location

     Within no more than 15 working days from the date of application submission in the application, the Authorizations Section within the Agency verifies the set of documents attached to the application, in light of the requirements established by the Regulation on the authorization of electrotechnical laboratories. If there are no objections, the Authorizations Section validates the file and notifies the applicant through the application about the initiation of the examination of the electrotechnical laboratory at its location and the possibility of scheduling the head of the electrotechnical laboratory, their deputy, and team leaders for the examination. After the Agency verifies the submitted documents and examines the electrotechnical laboratory at its location, the Examination Act is issued, according to the model established in the Regulation on the authorization of electrotechnical laboratories.

  • 3
    3. Conducting the Examination

    The examination is organized monthly, on the penultimate Monday. If this is a non-working holiday, the Examination Commission decides to hold the examination on another day, with prior notification of the applicants at least 3 working days before the examination. The examination is taken on the computer through the "e-Examen" application. If it is not possible to conduct the examination through the application due to technical reasons, the Examination Commission decides to postpone the computer examination to another day. If the application is not functional, the Examination Commission decides to conduct the examination in written form. The total duration of the examination is 20 minutes for general questions plus 15 minutes for each work requested by the electrotechnical laboratory.

  • 4
    4. Validation of Examination

     Based on the answers provided by the candidate, the application generates a "Examination Support Report" reflecting the examination results. A candidate is considered to have passed the examination if they answered correctly and obtained a "satisfactory" grade on at least 80% of the subjects included in the examination. The examination result is validated by the members of the Examination Commission by signing the minutes on the examination results, based on the "Examination Support Report" generated by the application or the results of the written answers.

  • 5
    5. Adoption of the Decision by the ANRE Board of Directors on the Approval of Authorization

    Based on the minutes of the Examination Commission, the Authorizations Section within the Energy Supervision Department of ANRE, within 3 working days after the examination date, submits to the ANRE Board of Directors the draft decision on the approval of the issuance of authorizations for the electrotechnical laboratory.

  • 6
    6. Issuance of Authorizations and Record of Their Validity

    The authorization for the electrotechnical laboratory is issued within no more than 10 working days from the date of approval of the ANRE Board of Directors' Decision. The authorization for the electrotechnical laboratory is signed with an electronic signature by the General Director of ANRE. The record of issued, suspended, or revoked authorizations for the electrotechnical laboratory is kept through the Register of authorizations for the electrotechnical laboratory, according to the model established in the Regulation on the authorization of electrotechnical laboratories.


National Agency for Energy Regulation
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