Seed quality certificate/seed analysis bulletin for domestic use

Seed quality certificate – is issued for the sale of agricultural seeds on the territory of the republic and involves the determination of all the quality indices of the seeds (purity, germination, moisture, weight of 1000 grains).

The seed analysis bulletin - is issued for own seed use needs and involves the determination of a seed quality index, upon request.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submit your application

    The economic agent submits an application to the territorial Directorate for food safety, with his presentation of:

    - laboratory samples taken by the state inspector in accordance with national or international requirements;

    - to the minutes of sample taking, drawn up by the state inspector and signed by both parties;

    - the field inspection document/sowing registration act or previously issued quality certificate;

    - documents certifying the origin of the imported seeds.

  • 2
    Step 2. Paying the fee

    The requesting economic agent pays the fee for the provision of the service, according to the normative provisions in force.

  • 3
    Step 3. Processing and examining the application

    The issuing authority (the responsible inspector from the Territorial Directorate for Food Safety) examines the application and checks the accompanying documents, conducts the analysis of the laboratory sample for quality indicators.

  • 4
    Step 4. Laboratory testing

    Based on the results obtained, the responsible inspector completes the Seed Quality Certificate or the Seed Analysis Bulletin.

  • 5
    Step 5.Release/deferral/refusal of release

    Issuance of Seed Quality Certificate/Seed Analysis Bulletin for internal use.

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