Assessment of compliance with the requirements in the field of fire protection in order to obtain a license for the production, assembly, import, export, re-export, storage, sale of pyrotechnic articles and/or the provision of the "pyrotechnic shows and fireworks" service with professional entertainment pyrotechnic articles

In accordance with the provisions of Annex no. 1 "Nomenclature of permissive documents issued by the issuing authorities to individuals and legal entities for the practice of entrepreneurial activity" from Law no. 160/2011 on the regulation by authorization of entrepreneurial activity, the following type of activity: the production, assembly, import, export, re-export, storage, sale of pyrotechnic articles and/or the provision of the "Pyrotechnic shows and fireworks" service with professional entertainment pyrotechnic articles.

 The license for carrying out the listed activities is issued to the natural or legal person who meets the following conditions: 

a) owns premises intended for the design, experimentation, production, assembly, storage or, as the case may be, intended for the commercialization of pyrotechnic articles, evaluated by the state supervision body of fire prevention measures with the drawing up of the control report in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 131 /2012 regarding state control over the activity of an entrepreneur (Article 19 of Law no. 143 of 17.07.2014 regarding the regime of pyrotechnic articles).

b) to the declaration of issuance or extension of the license for carrying out import activities, storage of pyrotechnic articles, as well as for the provision of services "Pyrotechnic shows and fireworks with professional pyrotechnic articles", in addition to the documents provided for in para. (1), the copy of the control report provided for in art. 19 para. (1) lit. a) (Article 20 of Law no. 143/2014.

The control report is the act that provides for compliance or non-compliance with requirements for compliance with fire protection rules and regulations.


  • 1
    Submission of request

    The application must be submitted: 1) at the INST counter at the address: Casa presei, str. Pușkin 22, Chisinau municipality, MD-2012; 2) by e-mail at the address: Note: The model application form can be found in the Attachments.


  • 2
    Step 2. Application review

    INST will receive and examine the submitted application;

  • 3
    Step 3. Issuing the minutes

    INST, as a result of the examination of the submitted application, will provide the public service with the performance of the control and the issuance of the control report in which compliance with the requirements of the normative acts will be established or the removal of existing non-conformities will be prescribed, and it can be received at the counter of the Inspectorate.

Inspectoratul Național pentru Supraveghere Tehnică
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