Verification and reservation of the legal entity's name
Confirmation of finding that the name of the legal entity complies with the provisions of Article 182 of the Civil Code, Articles 24, 25 of Law no.845/1992 on entrepreneurship and enterprises, Article 9 of Law 220/2007 on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and is reserved for a period of 6 months.
Requirements for the applicant:
The reservation of the name shall be refused if:
- coincides or, as found by the state registration body, resembles the name of another already registered legal entity; coincides with a trademark registered in the Republic of Moldova or with a foreign well-known trademark;
- contains the name of a notorious natural person or other proper names which do not coincide with the names of the participants in the establishment of the legal entity, unless there is a written consent of the person concerned or, where appropriate, of his/her heirs
- contains the official or historical name of the administrative-territorial unit, if there is no decision of the local council of the administrative-territorial unit concerned on the consent to its use;
- contains the name of the central or local public administration authorities or indicates, directly or indirectly, that the legal entity belongs to those authorities;
- contravenes moral standards.
The registration of a name of a legal entity which contains the official or historical name of the State or abbreviations or derivatives of the official or historical name of the State shall be allowed, if the applicant for registration holds the appropriate permission, which shall be granted and withdrawn in the manner and under the conditions established by the Government.
The name of the legal entity deleted from the State Register may be used by another legal entity after the expiry of 2 years from the date of deletion. This service is also available on the basis of electronic power of representation granted through the Mpower.
Pre-scheduling for requesting services in the territorial subdivisions of the PSA is available by accessing the link:
- 1Step 1. Submitting the application
The application is submitted by the applicant or their legal representative (MPower) with the necessary documents for the name verification and reservation:
- at the counter of the Multifunctional Centre of the Public Services Agency;
- via email to: (the documents signed with an electronic signature);
- by registered mail sent to the postal address: 47 A. Puşkin Street, Chişinău Municipality.
- 2Step 2. Paying for the service
Payment of the tariff for the requested service through the Government Electronic Payment Service MPay.
publicService.channels.4.title - 3Step 3. Processing and Examination
Processing the request
The registrar in the field of state registration:
- receives and duly registers the application for state registration of the individual entrepreneur and receives the documents submitted by the applicant;
- issues the payment advice;
- issues the confirmation receipt of application reception;
- opens the record file, examines the application and the accompanying documents, verifies compliance with the conditions established by law.
Reviewing the request
In the case of submission of the complete set of documents expressly required by law:
- examines the application and the documents submitted for the verification and reservation of the name, in order to ensure that they comply with the requirements established by law;
- carries out the verification of the name as to its conformity with the legal requirements.
Postponement of release
In case of the lack of the necessary documents/information expressly provided for by the legislation, the registrar shall suspend the deadline for examination of the application and shall immediately inform the applicant about this fact, specifying and describing the reason for the suspension, the deadline and the remedial actions to initiate the re-examination of the application.
- 4Step 4. Confirmation regarding the name verification and reservation
The confirmation regarding the verification and reservation of the name shall be issued to the applicant:
- if submitted at the counter - the confirmation shall be handed over on paper;
- if online - by e-mail.
Verificarea şi rezervarea denumirii, inclusiv prin intermediul rețelei Internet, pe un termen de până la 6 luni.
Se aplică doar organizaţiilor necomerciale. Condiții de prestare a serviciului cu înlesniri sunt stipulate în art. 13, alin. (4) și (5) din Legea nr. 86/2020 cu privire la organizațiile necomerciale.