Veterinary registration

Economic agents that carry out at least one of the activities listed in Part II of Annex no. 6 to Law no. 221/2007 on veterinary health activity may operate only if they have undergone the veterinary health registration procedure by the Agency.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submit your application

    In order to obtain veterinary sanitary registration, the economic agent or its legal representative shall submit to the Territorial Food Safety Subdivision (hereinafter - STSA) an application according to the model provided in Annex no.2 of the Order of the Director General of the National Agency for Food Safety no.15/2021 on the approval of the Regulation on veterinary sanitary registration of the activities of economic agents by selecting the option:

    -         Online, at the official STSA email address (list of emails according to Annex no. 4 of Order no.15/2021) authenticated by electronic or mobile signature;

    -         Physically, at one of the territorial subdivisions of the National Food Safety Agency at the single counter, where with the help of the receptionist you submit the application.

  • 2
    Step 2. Processing and Examination

    -         After receiving the application, the STSA issues to the applicant an acknowledgement of receipt, in the form in which the application was submitted (physically or by email), indicating the date and time of receipt of the application and the registration number granted.

    -         Within 5 working days from the date of receipt, the STSA examines the application, registers it and informs the economic operator about the inclusion or refusal of inclusion in the List of registered veterinary establishments.

    -          In case of acceptance, the STSA informs the applicant about the inclusion of the applicant in the List of registered veterinary establishments.

    -         In the event of refusal to accept the application, the STSA is obliged to issue the applicant with a written notice of refusal to accept the application, indicating the following information:

    1. reasons for refusal to accept the application;

     2. name, surname, position and contact details of the responsible person who issued the refusal.

  • 3
    Step 3. Inclusion or refusal of inclusion in the List of registered veterinary establishments

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