Certificate/duplicate of the adoption certificate
The duplicate adoption certificate is the document issued to the natural person following the confirmation of registration of the adoption act.
The duplicate adoption certificate is issued on the basis of the adoption act, at the request of the applicant:
- the adoptive parent (adopter);
- the holder of the act (adopted person), with the authorization of the court for access to information concerning the identity of the biological parents;
- the holder of the act, with the written consent of the adoptive parents (adopters) or the territorial guardianship authority.
Note: Since 17.08.2001, the date of entry into force of the Law no. 100-XV of April 26, 2001 on civil status documents, adoption documents are not issued.
The adoption is registered on the basis of the court decision on the adoption consent, by entering the respective mention, if necessary, the modification of the data about the parents and the child in the birth certificate, with the issue of a new birth certificate (the deadlines and tariffs in case of modification will be seen by additionally accessing the link).
Pre-scheduling for requesting services in the territorial subdivisions of the PSA is available by accessing the link: https://programare.asp.gov.md/qwebbook/index.jsp?lang=ro
- 1Step 1. Submitting the application
The application shall be submitted in the following ways:
1) At the Civil Status Department's Directorate for Hearing and Issuing Civil Status Documents (Chisinau mun., 11/1 M.Viteazul Street, 2nd floor);
2) At the Civil Status Service in the applicant's place of residence, including within the Multifunctional Centre of the Public Services Agency;
3) At the Diplomatic Missions or Consular Offices of the Republic of Moldova accredited abroad (DMCO).
- 2Step 2. Paying for the service
Payment of the tariff for the requested service through the Government Electronic Payment Service MPay.
publicService.channels.4.title - 3Step 3. Processing and Examination
Creating the application for a duplicate adoption certificate in the electronic program/Receipt of the request application for a civil status certificate and its relevant documents.
Identification of the civil status documents in the available technical programs and in the paper-based archival fonds. Verification of the civil status document data in the information systems and of the civil legal status of the beneficiary with the information in the content of the paper civil status document and in the "Web Access" CIS.
Entering/registering the data in the information system and issuing the duplicate adoption certificate.
- 4Step 4. Picking up the certificate
The duplicate adoption certificate shall be handed over, against signature, either in person to the holder, or to his/her legal representative, or to a person who has a notarized power of attorney or a power of representation based on electronic signature, recorded in the Register of powers of representation based on electronic signature (MPower), which entitles him/her to receive the document.
There are several options for issuing the document:
1) counter of the Multifunctional Centre / DHICSD / territorial subdivision of service delivery of the PSA;
2) abroad to the DMCO of the Republic of Moldova;
Potrivit prevederilor pct. 1 din anexa nr. 3 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 966/2020 cu privire la serviciile prestate de către Agenţia Servicii Publice, serviciile de stare civilă se prestează, în mod gratuit, următoarelor categorii de persoane, cetăţeni ai Republicii Moldova:
Cererea pentru prestarea serviciului de eliberare a certificatului privind starea civilă în mod gratuit se examinează în termenul maximal stabilit pentru prestarea serviciului respectiv.