State social allowance for children aged up to 18 years with severe, severe and moderate disability

Granting a financial right to children aged up to 18 years old with severe, severe and moderate disability.

As of 01.01.2024, in the case of children with severe, accentuated or average disabilities up to 18 years of age, the allowance is established by the mother's TOSI, and in case of the mother's death - the father of the child, ex officio, based on the data available in the state information resources, consumed through the interoperability platform.

To apply for the service at the TOSI in your area, you can make an appointment at the following link:


  • 1
    Step 1. The allowance is set automatically or on application

    Starting from 01.01.2024, in the case of children with severe, accentuated or average disabilities up to 18 years of age, the allowance is established by the automated TOSI for the mother, and in the case of the mother's death - for the father of the child, ex officio, based on the data available in the state information resources, consumed through the interoperability platform.

    If the child's legal representative is the father, in situations other than the one specified above, or is a guardian (curator), the allowance is established upon the application submitted at the TOSI counter at the child's domicile: a) personally by him/her; b) through the representative appointed by a power of attorney; c) by power of attorney based on electronic signature, recorded in the Register of powers of attorney based on electronic signature MPower. 

  • 2
    Step 2. Processing the documents and issuing the decision

  • 3
    Step 3. Forming the payments and sending the information to the government electronic payment service MPay for the distribution of the benefit amount

  • 4
    Step 4. Distribution of the benefit to the beneficiary through the selected payment method

    The list of providers available under the government's electronic payment service (MPay) can be found at


National Office of Social Insurance of the Republic of Moldova
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