Financial compensation instead of free sanatorium treatment tickets for people with war disabilities

Granting of a financial entitlement in lieu of free sanatorium treatment tickets to war-disabled persons after the expiry of two calendar years (January 1 - December 31) from the date of the entitlement.

Members of the armed forces, including those who have retired, who have completed their military service (including regimental sons or sailors' cadets) or were temporarily stationed in military sub-units, units, staff and military establishments which were part of the active army, partisans, workers and civil servants who became disabled as a result of injury concussion, concussion, disablement or an ailment contracted during the Second World War in the areas of combat action, in sectors near the front, on railways, motor roads, in the construction of defense lines, military sea bases, airfields. 

Persons from the command corps and soldiers from internal affairs bodies, the National Anti-Corruption Center, the penitentiary administration system and national security bodies who have become disabled as a result of injury, concussion, disabling or a disease contracted during the performance of their duties in areas where combat actions were carried out.

Persons who became disabled as a result of injury, concussion, disabling as a result of being trained by the local authorities to collect ammunition and military equipment, to clear the territory and objects during the Second World War and after the combat actions for the defense of territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova. 

Military servicemen who took part in combat actions and persons who served active military contingents stationed in other states and who became disabled as a result of wounds, concussion, disabling or a medical condition contracted during combat actions;

Persons participating in the combat actions in defense of the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova who became disabled, as a result of wounds, concussion, crippling or a medical condition contracted during combat actions.

To apply for the service at the TOSI in your area, you can make an appointment at the following link:


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of application and required documents

    The application and the necessary documents are submitted to the TOSI in the applicant's place of residence.

  • 2
    Step 2. Processing the documents and issuing the decision

  • 3
    Step 3. Making payments and sending the information to the government electronic payment service MPay for distribution of the benefit amount

  • 4
    Step 4. Distribution of the benefit to the beneficiary by the selected modality

    The list of providers available under the government's electronic payment service (MPay) can be found at


National Office of Social Insurance of the Republic of Moldova
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