External quality evaluation for the authorization of provisional operation and accreditation of vocational education and training, higher education and professional continuous training study programmes and institutions.

The external quality evaluation for the authorization of provisional operation and accreditation of study programmes and/or educational institutions is carried out upon the request of educational institutions, public or private persons interested in offering educational programmes/educational services, as well as upon request of the Ministry of Education.

Any legal, public or private person interested in offering study programmes and educational services is mandatorily subject to the external quality evaluation process for the authorization of provisional operation before it starts operating.

The accreditation of study programmes is requested upon the expiry of the authorization of provisional operation, after the first promotion of graduates, and the accreditation of educational institutions is requested upon the expiry of the authorization of provisional operation or the previous accreditation.


  • 1
    Submitting the application and self-evaluation dossier

    Submission of the application and the external evaluation file on paper and in electronic format to the specialized department of the Agency at the address: 38A Hincesti Road, MD-2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.


  • 2
    Examination of the Application and components of the External evaluation dossier

    Examination of the application and components of the self-assessment dossier. Returning it to the educational institution in the case of non-compliance with the rigors of completing or drawing up the Self-evaluation report, after a prior examination within the specialized department. Formulation of requests regarding completion of the dossier as appropriate - 5 working days.

  • 3
    Initiation or Rejection of the External Evaluation Procedure

    Establishing of the evaluation panel – 45 working days from the application registration; Informing the evaluated educational institution regarding the composition of the external evaluation panel and the evaluation coordinator – 5 working days from the appointment; The institution expresses its position on the composition of the external evaluation panel and designates a contact person to ensure effective communication between the Agency and the educational institution – 5 working days from the notification; Analysis of the self-evaluation report by the external evaluation committee; Development and coordination of the visit program.

  • 4
    Conducting the Visit and Preparing the External Evaluation Report

    Conducting the evaluation visit and completing the Site Visit Record Sheet – up to 5 days; Preparing the external evaluation report – up to 15 working days; Sending the External Evaluation Report (EER) to the institution that initiated the evaluation procedure; Formulating comments on the EER by the educational institution – within 3 working days; Analyzing the comments made by the educational institution and finalizing the EER – up to 5 working days; Reviewing and validating the external evaluation results by the profile committee and sending them to the Governing Board.

  • 5
    Decision of the Governing Board

    Review of the EER, the institution's comments, and the information presented by the Agency's specialized department and the decision of the profile committee. Approval of the decision regarding the authorization or non-authorization of provisional operation, accreditation or non-accreditation, based on the conclusions presented in the External Evaluation Report and following deliberations by the Governing Board; Sending the decision of the Governing Board to the institution – up to 5 working days from the date of adoption.

  • 6

    Appealing the external evaluation procedures and the decision of the Governing Board– within 10 working days from the date of sending the decision to the educational institution.

  • 7
    Granting the Decision on Provisional Operation Authorization and/or Accreditation

    After exhausting the appeal procedures, the Agency transmits to the Ministry of Education and Research and to the educational institution the decision regarding the external evaluation. Granting or denying provisional operation authorization/accreditation of the study program or institution, as well as revoking the institution's right to operate or organize a study program, is decided by the Ministry of Education within a maximum of 30 days from the date of decision-making

National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research
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