Official registration as unemployed

Unemployed is considered a person looking for a job, who cumulatively meets the following conditions:

  • is aged between 16 and the age set for obtaining the right to an old-age pension;
  • is fit to perform a job;
  • does not have a job;
  • does not study in a form of education regularly;
  • is actively looking for a job both individually and through the territorial employment subdivision and is available to start work;
  • is registered as unemployed at one of the territorial employment subdivisions.


  • 1
    Step 1 Submission of the application

    The application for registration and the Declaration on one's own responsibility regarding meeting the conditions for registration with unemployed status are submitted in 2 ways: 1) online, by accessing the Request button through the system. The request to register with the status of unemployed online can only be made by people who have an electronic signature. Applications submitted online are validated by the specialist of the territorial employment subdivision when the person presents himself to the territorial employment subdivision. The deadline for presenting the person to the territorial employment subdivision cannot exceed 14 calendar days from the date of submission of the application. Failure to appear within the established deadline is grounds for rejecting the application. 2) addressing the person to any NEA territorial employment subdivision.


  • 2
    Step 2 Verification and examination of the application

    Verification that the person meets the eligible conditions for registration as unemployed.

  • 3
    Step 3 Completing the unemployment form

    Filling in the information system of the labour market administered by NEA of the unemployed person's file.

  • 4
    Step 4 Preparation of the file

    Application of the applicant's signature on the personal file printed from the system on paper and drawing up the file of the unemployed.

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