Execution of dynamiting works or works with explosive materials

The establishment of a degree of protection of the vital interests of the person and society against possible damage to dangerous industrial targets and their effects, ensured by the application of a complex of measures regarding the organizational and technical preparation of economic agents for carrying out activities at dangerous industrial targets.


  • 1
    Step 1. Registration in the system

    The request can be submitted personally (or through the legal representative): 1) online, by pressing the Request button; 2) at the INST counter, at the address: Casa pressei, Str. Pușkin 22, Chisinau municipality, MD-2012, with subsequent uploading to SIA GEAP (permissive act).



  • 2
    Step 2. Application processing

    If the Applicant (or his legal representative):a) submits the application and personally uploads documents directly into the system, the system will:- Automatically generate the document in electronic format confirming the receipt of the application and documents (Certificate of verification).- Automatically will direct the application and the set of documents to the issuing authority.b) Submit the application and the necessary documents with the help of the receptionist at the counter, the receptionist:- Will receive and properly register the request for the Action and will receive documents presented by the applicant;- Will immediately release and unconditionally to the applicant the Certificate confirming the receipt of the application. - Will send the file (electronic copies of the application and the submitted documents) to the issuing authority for verification. The application can be returned to the applicant only if it does not contain the information necessary to identify the applicant.


  • 3
    Step 3. Examination of the application

    The specialist from the issuing authority opens the case, examines the application and the accompanying documents, verifies compliance with the conditions. In case of finding the lack of necessary documents/information expressly provided by the legislation, the issuing authority will suspend the term for examination of the application and will immediately inform the applicant of this fact with the specification and description of the basis for the suspension, the term and remedial actions to resume the examination of the application.

  • 4
    Step 4. On-site inspection

    The inspector examines the case and organizes the on-site inspection and draws up the technical report based on the results.

  • 5
    Step 5. Refusal perfection

    In case of non-presentation of the documents provided for by the legislation during the suspension of the examination, as well as in case the Technical Report is negative, a letter of refusal (rejection) is written, with an appropriate justification based on the provisions of the law, with the direct notification of the applicant. The letter will be examined and signed by the director of the National Technical Supervision Inspectorate.

  • 6
    Step 6. Perfection of the Permissive Act

    If the technical report is positive, the specialist prepares (perfects) the permissive act, which will be examined and signed by the INST director.

  • 7
    Step 7. Release of the Permissive Act

    If the permissive act (letter) is ready, the applicant (legal representative) receives an electronic notification, downloads the permissive act and confirms receipt of the document.

  • 8
    Step 8. Issuance of the permissive deed on paper

    If the permit is issued on paper (on request or according to the requirements of the requesting institution), the receiver prints the permit, delivers it to the applicant (or his legal representative) with the request to receive the document.

Inspectoratul Național pentru Supraveghere Tehnică
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