Title of authentication of the landowner's right

The title of authentication of the landowner’s right is the document that confirms the rights of the landowners issued by the local public administration authorities in case of the assignment by them of the public property of the administrative-territorial units or by the Public Property Agency in case of the assignment by the state of the public property of the state.

The title is completed based on the report of the cadastral survey received in the manner established by the Real Estate Cadastre Public Institution, which is submitted for signature to the administration of the public authority responsible for issuing the title, on whose territory the real estate is located.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of request

    The request is submitted to the PSA territorial subdivisions within the area of the territorial cadastral service where the building is located according to the schedule. When submitting the request, the cadastral materials are examined, and a decision is made to accept or reject the request.

  • 2
    Step 2. Payment for the service

    The payment for the service can be made at the counter or through the MPay government electronic payment service.


  • 3
    Step 3. Execution of request

    a) Verification of the existence of the cadastral survey reception; b) Printing the title of authentication of the landowner’s right.

  • 4
    Step 4. Issuance of documents

    The issuance of the title of authentication of the landowner’s right is carried out at the counter of the Multifunctional Center.

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