Selective first registration of ownership right

The first entry made in the Real Estate Register regarding a property and the right of ownership over it. The service is requested by the holder of ownership right, acquired in the process of transferring ownership of land or other immovable property, for which mass first registration has not been carried out under the State Program for the creation of the cadastre (GD 1030/1998) or to register the new property built or formed under the procedure of formation by separation, division.

Prior scheduling for requesting services in the Territorial Multifunctional Centers is available by accessing the link:


  • 1
    Step 1: Submission of request

    The request is submitted to the Public Services Agency territorial multifunctional centers according to the schedule. When the request is submitted, it is checked in advance, the cadastral materials are examined, and a decision is taken to accept or reject the request.

  • 2
    Step 2: Payment for the service

    The payment for the service can be made through the MPay government electronic payment service. 


  • 3
    Step 3. Execution of request

    a) Requesting materials from the archive in TCS where there is no SMAE-ELO; b) Obtaining materials from the archive in TCS where there is no SMAE_ELO; c) Verification of the existence of the cadastral survey received by PSA; d) Examination of documents; e) Taking the decision regarding registration, extension of the registration term, refusal to register, as the case may be; f) Processing the decision to extend the registration term, or to reject, as the case may be.

  • 4
    Step 4. Registration

    a) Making entries in the register; b) Filing of documents; c) Application of the "registered" seal to the document; d) Confirmation of the execution of request.

  • 5
    Step 5. Issuance of documents

    Documents are issued at the counters of the Multifunctional Center

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