Registration of the ownership right over the newly formed immovable property

Registration of the right of ownership over an immovable property that appeared because of the formation procedure through the method of combining several immovable properties.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission and receipt of the request

    The applicant submits the request to the territorial multifunctional center of Public Services Agency. The specialist at the counter ensures: a) prior examination of the documents; b) examination of cadastral materials; c) receiving or rejecting the request: processing the request / processing the decision to reject the request.

  • 2
    Step 2. Payment for the service

    The payment for the service can be made through the MPay government electronic payment service.


  • 3
    Step 3. Execution of the request

    The specialist undertakes the following actions: a) Requesting files from the archive in TCS where there is no SMAE-ELO; b) Obtaining the file from the archive of TCS where there is no SMAE_ELO; c) Verification of the existence of the cadastral survey reception. d) Examining documents for registration or for making changes; e) Making the decision regarding registration, correcting errors, extending the registration term, rejecting registration, as the case may be; f) Processing the decision to correct the errors / to extend the registration term, to reject, as the case may be.

  • 4
    Step 4. Issuance of documents

    Documents are issued at the MFC counter of PSA. The specialist undertakes the following actions: a) Making entries in the register; b) Filing of documents; c) Application of the "Registered" seal, the "Settled" stamp on the document; d) Confirmation of the execution of request.

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