Application of the conclusion in the reception minutes upon completion of works on objects financed from the state budget or local budgets

The service for the reception procedure implies the confirmation of the fact that the executor has fulfilled his obligations in accordance with the provisions of the contract and of the execution documentation, assuming, at the same time, the liability provided for by law for the executed works. Issuing the conclusion for the reception minutes at the end of the works on the objects financed from the state budget or local budgets represents the opinion of the Inspectorate on the compliance with the normative conditions in construction and the compliance with the quality requirements.

The service involves the application of the conclusion for the reception minutes upon completion of the works to the objects financed from the state budget or local budgets according to the established model. The service is mandatory for natural and legal persons, investors, executors, with the activity of executing the construction/reconstruction works of related installations financed from the state budget or local budgets. The application of the conclusion for the acceptance minutes at the end of the works to the objects financed from the state budget or local budgets by the Inspectorate is necessary to obtain for the reception of the construction works and related installations, as well as to increase the responsibility of investors, executors and other natural persons and legal with activity in the field.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of the application

    The application must be submitted: 1) at the INST counter at the address: Casa presei, str. Pușkin 22, Chisinau municipality, MD-2012; 2) by e-mail at the address: Note: In the Attachments you can find the model application form.


  • 2
    Step 2. Processing and Review

    The invitation to participate in the reception (annex no. 1, request for the completion of works received from representatives of the Central/Local Public Administration, natural persons and economic agents, is received and registered by the document management and archive service. The management of the Inspectorate applies the resolution and establishes the executor responsible for the examination (depending on the case of the working group). Within 3 working days, the document management and archive service will ensure the issuance of the confirmation act. The inspectorate will check the technical documentation and the mandatory documents, as well as carry out a specialized control to the object (visual examination of the objective). The person in charge will coordinate with the heads of departments within the Inspectorate, with the exposition in the coordination sheet about the need to participate in the reception of the objective. Upon acceptance of the reception for the requested objective and the application of the conclusion, the provider prepares with normative and legal terms informative note (Appendix report) with the documents studied where the materials will be stored in the file. Verbal processes for the reception of the objectives will be signed by the examiner (work group as the case may be according to an order created for each object, reception) where each INST participant will apply the signature and stamp. Each reception process will be stamped by the management of the Inspectorate or the Heads of Departments and it will be registered in the informational system for recording INST correspondence. (INST) will store the materials regarding the refusal in the file and will draw up an informative note (Annex report) with the recommendation of a deadline for removing the non-conformities, substantiated in normative and legal terms.

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    Step 3. Release/postponement/refusal of release

    The inspectorate, following the examination of the attached documents as well as the on-site verification of the works, will issue the conclusion in the reception report upon completion of the works. Reception takes place at the one-stop shop: Inspectorate headquarters, Chisinau municipality, A. Pușkin str., 22. In case of refusal to apply the conclusion in the reception reports upon completion of the works, the provider (INST) will inform the Beneficiary/applicant about the refusal with the conditions of remedial action by reply letter. The approach/letter of refusal regarding the application of the conclusion in the report of reception upon completion of the works can be received at the Single Desk - Headquarters of the Chisinau Municipal Inspectorate, str. A. Pușkin, 22, electronic mail, e-mail or through the ÎS postal services" Post of Moldova". The conclusion in the reception report upon completion of the works, is necessary to obtain for all investors, executors, natural and legal persons involved in the execution of construction/reconstruction works of related installations financed from the state budget or local budgets.

Inspectoratul Național pentru Supraveghere Tehnică
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