Certificate of technical-professional attestation of construction specialists

The technical-professional certification of construction specialists is a component of the construction quality system and is carried out with the aim of complying with construction regulations and ensuring the following essential requirements:

A - resistance and stability;

B - operational safety;

C - fire safety;

D - hygiene, people's health, restoration and protection of the environment;

E - thermal insulation, waterproofing and energy saving;

F - noise protection; 

G - sustainable use of natural resources.

Specialists with design activities, project verifiers, technical experts, site managers, technical managers, managers for the execution of specialized works and for the installation of construction-related installations, technical managers for specialized works and construction-related installations and specialist personnel are subject to attestation/re-attestation from construction testing laboratories and quote developers (hereinafter – specialists), who are responsible for the quality of constructions, according to their obligations under the law.

The attestation/reattestation of the mentioned specialists is done once in 5 years.

A specialist can be certified, at his request, in one or more specialties, no more than three fields, subject to compliance with all conditions.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of the application and related documents.

    The application and related documents can be submitted:

    1) online by accessing the Request button;

    2) sent by e-mail to the address: sectia.instruire@oatucl.md/ghiseul.unic@oatucl.md;

    3) at the one-stop shop of the IP Office of Territorial Development, Urbanism, Co-construction and Housing at the address: Chisinau municipality, Botanica sector, Independţei str., 6/1, 2nd floor, bir. 216.


  • 2
    Step 2. Meeting of the specialized attestation commission

    The attestation of construction specialists is carried out by the specialized technical-professional attestation commissions, established by the National Construction Management Body. The specialized technical-professional attestation commissions are established for each activity with a minimum of 9 members and operate according to the Regulation approved by the National Construction Management Body. The quorum for holding meetings of the attestation commissions is 2/3 of the total number of members. In the attestation process of specialists, the specialized technical-professional attestation commissions are based on the following principles: a) objectivity; b) equality; c) transparency in the activity carried out. The specialists present themselves to the specialized technical-professional attestation commissions after taking a professional training course through internships and specialized programs, coordinated with the National Construction Management Body, in educational institutions accredited for these activities. The decisions of the commissions are adopted with the majority of votes of the members present. The decisions of the commissions are recorded in minutes signed by the president, vice-president, secretary and the present members of the commissions. The applicant who did not support the attestation can submit a request for repeated attestation only after 3 months.

  • 3
    Step 3. Issuance/postponement/refusal to issue the attestation certificate

    The attestation certificate is issued with the appropriate ID and stamp. The applicant receives the attestation certificate at the secretariat of the Attestation Commission of the IP Office of Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Construction and Housing

Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development
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