Identity card of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova

The identity card of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova is the identity document issued to citizens of the Republic of Moldova for use within the territory of the Republic of Moldova or abroad, in accordance with international agreements, for a period of validity:

  • from birth to 10 years;
  • from 10 to 16 years;
  • from 16 to 25 years;
  • from 25 to 45 years;
  • from 45 - for life.

The citizens of the Republic of Moldova residing in the Republic of Moldova are required to have an identity card from the age of 16.

The identity card is issued in the following cases:

  • at the first issuance: to minors; persons who have obtained the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova; to citizens of the Republic of Moldova residing in the localities on the left bank of the Dniester and in the municipality of Bender; to persons over 18 years of age who have never had identity documents;
  • exchange of Soviet-type passport, provisional identity card or provisional identity card; change, amendment, rectification or completion of personal data;
  • ascertaining inaccuracies, non-conformities, false entries in documents, identity theft or false identity; change of domicile;
  • in case of a change in the name or rank of localities, streets, renumbering or rearrangement of buildings, establishment of localities, streets; in the event of modification, rectification or completion of the data of the address of domicile in case of loss, theft or damage;
  • expiry of the period of validity;
  • acquisition or re-acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Moldova; repatriation;
  • at the holder's request to exchange it.

The application for the issuance of the identity card of a citizen of the Republic of Moldova shall be submitted by the applicant to the competent authority in the prescribed manner.

Submission of the application by other persons is allowed in the following special circumstances:

  • in the case of a child, including a child without parental care or a child temporarily without parental care over whom guardianship or curatorship is established, the child's legal representative (one of the parents, guardian or curator) acts as the applicant, with the mandatory presence of the child. The concept of child does not include persons who have acquired full legal capacity by the age of 18 years under art. 26 paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova;
  • in the case of a child whose parents (the only parent) are minors (is a minor), the legal representative of the minor parents (the only minor parent) acts as the applicant);
  • in the case of a child separated from his/her parents, including a child placed in a family-type placement service, with the exception of guardianship/curatorship, or in a residential placement service, the application is submitted by the territorial guardianship authority within whose territorial jurisdiction is the place of placement or placement of the child, with the mandatory presence of the child;
  • in the case of a person subject to a legal guardianship measure in the form of guardianship, the applicant is the legal representative (guardian), in the mandatory presence of the person represented;
  • in the case of immobilized person, person under treatment by constraint, person under pre-trial arrest or in detention, the application for issuance of the identity card may be submitted by the authorized representative by a power of attorney authenticated by a notary or other persons authorized by law to perform such function, or by a power of attorney based on electronic signature, recorded in the Register of powers of attorney based on electronic signature (MPower);
  • in the case of a person who is hospitalized in a medical institution and is in a serious condition (unconscious, comatose), the application is submitted by the person acting on his/her behalf (family member, relative), and in the absence of such a person, the ID card is issued on the initiative of the medical institution concerned or the local public administration authority, if the hospitalized person is receiving social assistance, or by a power of attorney based on electronic signature, recorded in the Register of powers of attorney based on electronic signature (MPower);
  • in the case of a mentally ill or physically, mentally or psychologically handicapped person who is being cared for in an institution for treatment or in a social institution and for whom no form of care measure is in place, the identity card is issued on approach to the institution concerned. 

An application for the issue of an identity card shall be rejected if the applicant has submitted fraudulent information or if the documents submitted are insufficient, contain discrepancies, are invalid or are found not to be authentic.

Where an application for the issue of identity documents is rejected in accordance with the legal provisions, the competent authority shall, within the time limit set for the examination of the application, inform the applicant in writing or by electronic means of communication of the reasons for the rejection of the application.

The identity card is available for delivery to the applicant's home or temporary residence or place of stay through MDelivery.

Pre-scheduling for requesting services in the territorial subdivisions of the PSA is available by accessing the link:


  • 1
    Step 1. Submitting the application

    The application shall be submitted in the following ways:

    • in the country, at any service for issuing identity documents (SIID), including the multifunctional centre of the Public Services Agency;
    • abroad, at diplomatic missions or consular posts (DMCO) of the Republic of Moldova. If there is no DMCO in the applicant's state of residence, the application may be submitted to any DMCO.

    When submitting the application, the MDelivery service can also be requested, which ensures that the identity card is delivered directly to the applicant's place of location.

  • 2
    Step 2. Paying for the service

    Payment of the tariff for the requested service through the Government Electronic Payment Service MPay.


  • 3
    Step 3. Processing and Examination of the application

    1. Facial image capture and signature scanning.
    2. Completion of application-questionnaire.
    3. Assign status of previous identity card ''invalid/returned to holder''.
    4. Verification, decision making and endorsement of application-questionnaire, order processing.

  • 4
    Step 4. Issuing the identity card

    The identity card is issued, against signature, at the SIID counter, including at the multifunctional centre of the Public Services Agency, and abroad, at the DMCO of the Republic of Moldova, either in person to the holder, or to his/her legal representative, or to the representative authorized by a power of attorney authenticated by a notary public or other persons authorized by law to perform such function or by a power of attorney based on electronic signature, recorded in the Register of powers of attorney based on electronic signature, or to the person acting on his/her behalf in accordance with the legal provisions. 

    At the applicant's request, the identity documents may be delivered to the person's home address or place of temporary residence or place of stay via the government delivery service (MDelivery).

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