Extract from the document of change of name and/or surname
Extract from the document of change of name and/or surname means the document issued to the natural person following the change of name and/or surname in the administrative procedure, as a result of the respective civil status record.
Extracts from documents concerning changes of name and/or surname shall be issued on request in the following cases:
- the need to prove the registration of the change of name and/or surname;
- identification of a discrepancy between the data in the civil status record and the data appearing in the holder's identity documents;
- at the request of the courts, the public prosecutor's office, the criminal prosecution service, the guardianship authority and other civil-status authorities.
The extract of the document of change of name and/or surname is issued on the basis of the applicant's request:
- the holder of the respective civil status document;
- the first- to second-degree relatives (proof of the degree of kinship is provided by civil status documents or civil status certificates);
- the legal representative of a person whose capacity is limited or in respect of whom a court has ordered a legal guardianship measure (guardian or curator);
- the representative authorized by a notarized power of attorney in the name of the natural person, or by a power of attorney based on a signature by electronic signature, recorded in the Register of Powers of Representation by electronic signature (MPower).
Pre-scheduling for requesting services in the territorial subdivisions of the PSA is available by accessing the link: https://programare.asp.gov.md/qwebbook/index.jsp?lang=ro
- 1Step 1. Submitting the application
The application shall be submitted in the following ways:
1) online - by clicking the Apply button. The online service is accessible for people with an electronic or mobile signature;
2) at the Civil Status Department's Directorate for Hearing and Issuing Civil Status Documents (Chisinau mun., 11/1 M.Viteazul Street, 2nd floor);
3) at the Civil Status Service in the applicant's place of residence, including within the Multifunctional Centre of the Public Services Agency;
4) at the Diplomatic Missions or Consular Offices of the Republic of Moldova accredited abroad (DMCO);
5) at the Unified Public Service Delivery Centers (CUPS) within the Local Public Authorities.
When submitting the application, the MDelivery delivery service can also be requested, which ensures the delivery of the civil status document directly to the applicant's place of residence, both in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
publicService.channels.2.title - 2Step 2. Paying for the service
Payment of the tariff for the requested service through the Government Electronic Payment Service MPay.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 letter b) of the Law no. 213/2023 on the state tax, the issuance of the certificate/duplicate of the certificate of civil status document is subject to state tax, except in cases of exemption from the state tax (persons who benefit from free public civil status services in the manner established by GD no. 966/2020 on the services provided by the PSA).
publicService.channels.4.title - 3Step 3. Processing and Examination
Creating the civil status document request application in the electronic program/Receiving the civil status document request application and its relevant documents.
Identifying civil status documents based on the civil status document request application in the available technical programs and in the paper-based archival stock.
Making amendments/rectifications to the paper civil status record and updating it in the information systems.
Issuing the extract from the civil status record.
- 4Step 4. Issuing the Extract
The extract from the civil status record shall be delivered, against signature, either in person to the holder, or to his/her legal representative, or to a person having a notarized power of attorney or a power of attorney based on electronic signature, recorded in the Register of Powers of Attorney based on electronic signature (MPower), which entitles him/her to receive the document.There are several options for issuing the document:
1) Multifunctional Centre counter / DAEDSC / territorial subdivision of service provision of the PSA;
2) abroad at the DMCO of the Republic of Moldova;
3) delivery to the requested address through the government delivery service MDelivery.
In accordance with the provisions of point 1, section 1 of Annex no. 3 to Government Decision no. 966/2020 on the services provided by the Public Services Agency, the service is provided free of charge to the following categories of persons, citizens of the Republic of Moldova:
The application for provision of the service of issuing the extract from the civil status record free of charge shall be examined within the maximum time limit set for the provision of the service, except for: