Emigration authorization of citizens of the Republic of Moldova

Emigration authorization - an endorsement affixed in the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova by the competent authority following the authorization of emigration of a citizen of the Republic of Moldova for settlement with residence abroad or following the establishment of the fact of settlement of a citizen of the Republic of Moldova with residence abroad.

Citizens of the Republic of Moldova domiciled and/or temporarily residing in the territory of the Republic of Moldova who wish to establish their domicile abroad, as well as those who de jure are registered at domicile and/or temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, but de facto do not reside in the Republic of Moldova and those who de jure and de facto do not reside in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and provide evidence of establishing their domicile abroad shall apply for an emigration authorization or, where appropriate, for a passport with the mention on the emigration authorization.

The application for the issuance of the emigration authorization shall be submitted in person by the applicant or by the authorized representative by a power of attorney authenticated by a notary public or other persons authorized by law to do so or by a power of attorney based on electronic signature, recorded in the Register of Powers of Attorney based on electronic signature - in the case of a person who is immobilized. In the case of a child, as well as in the case of a person subject to a legal guardianship measure in the form of guardianship, the legal representative of the child shall act. 

Provision of the public service for the issuance of the authorization to emigrate on the basis of a power of attorney granted through the automated information system "Register of Powers of Attorney based on electronic signature” (MPower):

  • obtaining the emigration authorization of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova for the immobilized person
  • issuing the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova with the mention on the emigration authorization


  • 1
    Step 1. Submitting the application

    The application for an authorization to emigrate or, where appropriate, for a passport with an indication of authorization to emigrate shall be submitted in the following ways:

    1. in the country, at any service for issuing identity documents, including the multifunctional center of the Public Services Agency;
    2. abroad, at diplomatic missions or consular offices (DMCO) of the Republic of Moldova. If there is no DMCO in the applicant's state of residence, the application may be submitted to any DMCO.

  • 2
    Step 2. Paying for the service

    Payment of the tariff for the requested service through the Government Electronic Payment Service MPay.


  • 3
    Step 3: Processing and examining the application

    1. Biometric data capture (facial image and signature capture).
    2. Processing the order and deciding whether to issue the immigration authorization or reject the application.
    3. Informing the applicant in writing about the immigration authorization.
    4. Submitting the applicant's identity card, if applicable, and removing the applicant from the register at the place of domicile or temporary residence in the Republic of Moldova.
    5. Updating the information on the authorized emigration of the person in the State Population Register and informing, in writing or by electronic means of communication or through the interoperability platform (MConnect) the Military Administrative Centre within the territorial jurisdiction of which the military subject was registered at the last domicile or last temporary residence and the National Office of Social Insurance (in the case of a person receiving social benefits).

  • 4
    Step 4: Handing over the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova with the mention on the emigration authorization

    Handing over the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova with the mention on the emigration authorization at the SEAI counter, including within the multifunctional centre of the Public Services Agency, and abroad, at the DMCO of the Republic of Moldova.

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