Granting/Suspending the Status of the Insured Person in the Mandatory Health Insurance System

In the framework of the mandatory health insurance system, the following categories of the insured persons are defined:

a) Employed Insured Person – an individual employed under an individual employment contract, according to the Labor Code, regardless of the term of the employment and the form of the remuneration, for whom the mandatory health insurance premiums are paid as a percentage of the salary and other compensations; employees of the IT parks residents for whom the mandatory health insurance premiums are paid based on the amounts allocated from the single tax revenues; taxi drivers performing passenger transportation by road for whom the monthly mandatory health insurance premiums are paid in the amount of 1/12 of the fixed amount of the mandatory health insurance premium;

b) Persons Insured by the Government – unemployed persons who fall into one of the categories indicated in the Article No. 4 Section. (4) of the Mandatory Health Insurance Law, for whom the Government is the insurer and the mandatory health insurance premiums for these categories are paid from the state budget (except for the individuals who are legally required to insure themselves individually);

c) Individually Insured Persons – unemployed persons who belong to the categories of the fixed-amount mandatory health insurance premium payers provided in the Annex No. 2 to the Law regarding the Size, Method, and the Terms of the Payment of the Mandatory Health Insurance Premiums and who have paid the mandatory health insurance premium fixed-amount;

The status of the insured grants the person the right to benefit from the medical services included in the Unique Program of the Mandatory Health Insurance, accessed in the accordance with the stipulations of the Methodological Norms for the application of the Unique Program, that is funded by the mandatory health insurance funds.


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    Step 1. Payment of the Insurance Premium

    The mandatory health insurance premium can be paid through the following methods:

    1. Online - by accessing the Government Electronic Payment Service Mpay;
    2. At the Counter of the Territorial Service for Relations with Beneficiaries of CNAM by performing the following steps: Present your identity card and the documents confirming your belonging to one of the following categories: founder of an individual enterprise, patent holder, lessee, lessor, unemployed persons, and those that are not insured by the Government. The payment of the fixed-amount insurance premium will be made based on the state identification number (IDNP) or the series and number of the valid identity document in the national passport system for the individuals who do not have an IDNP. Receive the payment slip indicating the bank account and the amount to be paid. With the payment slip, make the payment at any commercial bank or post office.

    Starting from April 1, individuals who have not insured themselves within the period established by the legislation (March 31) must pay the mandatory health insurance premium full fixed-amount, as well as the penalties (0.1% of the premium amount for each day of delay), and the insured person status is granted from the moment of the payment. If, during the management year, the person has held the status of an insured person by being included in one of the categories of the insured persons (employed or insured by the Government), they will pay the insurance premium in proportion to the number of the days in the management year during which they did not have the status of an insured person, including the number of the calendar days remaining until the end of the management year. Additionally, Moldovan citizens who do not belong to the payer categories provided in the Law No. 1593/2002 regarding the size, method, and the terms of the payment of the mandatory health insurance premiums and who, after the deadline established in the Article 22 Section (1) of the mentioned law, prove that they have been abroad for more than 183 calendar days during the fiscal year, obtain the status of the insured person in the mandatory health insurance system after the full payment of the insurance premium.


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    Step 2. Presentation the Proof of the Payment

    In the case of paying the insurance premium through the MPay service, the proof of the payment does not need to be presented.

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    Step 3. Insured Person Status Verification

    The verification of the insured person status can be done on the website, in the "AOAM Status Verification " section.

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