Reporting the nominal records of the non-employed persons that are insured by the Government

The obligation to present the List of the nominal records of the non-employed persons that are insured by the Government, according to the Article 10(2) letter d) of the Mandatory Health Insurance Law No. 1585-XIII from February 27, 1998, belongs to the institutions of the Republic of Moldova that are responsible for maintaining the nominal records of the non-employed persons that are insured by the Government, as indicated in the Article 4(9) of the same law (hereinafter referred to as "Authorized Institutions"). The categories of the insured persons by the Government are established in the Article 4, paragraph 4) of the Mandatory Health Insurance Law No. 1585-XIII from February 27, 1998, with further additions.The electronic reporting channel "Electronic Declaration" provides to the obliged institutions to maintain the records of the categories of the persons that are insured by the Government with the possibility to submit online the lists of the nominal records of the insured persons from the state's account (Form 2-04/l).


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    Step 1. Form Submission

    The Information regarding the non-employed persons that are insured by the Government is submitted by the authorized institutions of the Republic of Moldova through the "Electronic Declaration" service. For the individuals who do not possess a state identification number (IDNP), the Form 2-04/l is completed and submitted to the CNAM’s Territorial Service for the Beneficiary Relations in paper format, signed manually or with an electronic signature via email to: Granting the status of the Government-insured person for the following categories is carried out by the insurer based on the supporting documents and the completed and signed Request (Form C-01), manually or with an electronic signature.

    The document set is submitted to the CNAM’s Territorial Service for the Beneficiary Relations or via email to:

    For the enrolled students in the educational institutions at the levels 3-8, according to the Article 12 of the Education Code of the Republic of Moldova, studying abroad with regular attendance:

    1. Form C-01;
    2. The Identity document;
    3. The Certificate from the educational institution where the studies are conducted;
    4. The Student ID card, as applicable;

    For the individuals who have reached the standard retirement age according to the national legislation but receive a pension from another state:

    1. Form C-01;
    2. The Identity document;
    3. The Certificate/card or other document confirming the pension from another state.

    For a parent, including adoptive, who effectively raises and educates four or more children, while at least one child is under 18 years old:

    1. Form C-01;
    2. The Identity document;
    3. The Birth certificates of the children;
    4. The completed and signed self-declaration;

    The Certificate from the municipality/community housing association regarding the family composition.


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    Step 2. Processing the Information

    CNAM’s Territorial Service for the Beneficiary Relations /CNAM’s central office reviews the files and grants the status of the Government-insured person in the mandatory health insurance system, in accordance with the current regulatory acts.


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