Reporting information on the initiation/termination of employment relationships

IRM19 - Informație pentru stabilirea drepturilor sociale și medicale aferente raporturilor de muncă este necesară în scopul acordării statutului de persoană asigurată în sistemul de asigurare obligatorie de asistenţă medicală,

Informaţia nominalizată se prezintă de către angajator în termen de pînă la 10 zile lucrătoare de la data angajării sau modificării/încetării raporturilor de muncă, emiterii ordinului de acordare a concediului de îngrijire a copilului sau concediului paternal. Termenul de prezentare a informaţiei nominalizate (Forma IRM19) se determină începând cu ziua următoare după data indicată în ordin.

Informația pentru persoanele ce nu dețin IDNP se prezintă suplimentar, agențiilor teritoriale și reprezentaților CNAM pe suport de hârtie.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submitting the report

    To submit the report through the Unique Reporting Desk, authentication is required at The Information regarding the initiation of the employment relationships is submitted by the employer as needed, in case of the insured event (illness or condition) until the date of reporting on the income tax, mandatory health insurance premiums withheld, and the mandatory state social insurance contributions calculated. The submitted information includes only employees that are employed by the employer under an individual employment contract, according to the Labour Code. The Information regarding the initiation of employment relationships is submitted to the State Fiscal Service through the electronic reporting channels in an online regime and with the application of the digital signature. An electronic receipt is provided as the confirmation of the receipt. The Information regarding the initiation of the employment relationships is completed in the state language. The basic requirements for completing the information are the completeness and the accuracy of the entered data. In the case of initiating the employment relationships with the individuals who do not have a Personal Identification Number (IDNP), the Information regarding the initiation of the employment relationships will be presented on paper, to CNAM’s territorial service of CNAM beneficiaries, in two copies, with the application of olograph signatures, authenticated with the Employer's ink.


  • 2
    Step 2. Processing of Information

    The status of the insured employee is granted/suspended based on the information related to the employment reports.

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