Регистрация биоцидных продуктов

An administrative act by which the biocidal product is registered for market placement on the territory of the Republic of Moldova by the Ministry of Health, following a request made by an applicant.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of the request.

    English: The request can be submitted in two ways:

    1. Online - by pressing the Request button. The online service is available both to individuals with an electronic/mobile signature and to citizens who do not have an electronic identity.
    2. At the counter of the National Agency for Public Health.


  • 2
    Step 2. Processing the request.

    The secretariat for the registration of biocidal products opens the case, and examines the request and the accompanying documents. In case of missing documents/information explicitly required by legislation, the expert will suspend the review period of the request and will immediately inform the applicant of this fact, specifying and describing the reason for the suspension and the remedial actions needed to initiate the review of the request.

  • 3
    Step 3. Preparation of the evaluation report.

    The committee prepares the evaluation report of the biocidal product and submits it to the secretariat.

  • 4
    Step 4. Approval of the decision.

    The secretariat organizes the meeting of the Committee for the registration of the biocidal product to approve the respective decision.

  • 5
    Step 5. Finalization of the permit document.

    The secretariat finalizes the permit document or the decision to reject the registration of the product, with appropriate justification based on the provisions of the law, and notifies the applicant.

  • 6
    Step 6. Issuance of the permit document.

    The permit document is automatically generated through SIA GEAP, or the Secretariat issues the biocidal product registration certificate/authorization to the applicant at the ANSP headquarters.

  • 7
    Step 7. Registration in the Registry.

    The registered product is entered into the National Registry of Biocidal Products

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