Registration of new food products

Administrative act by which food supplements or new food products are registered for market placement in the territory of the Republic of Moldova by the Ministry of Health, following a request made by an applicant.

Conducting an expertise evaluation to assess the compliance of the new food product with the provisions of the Sanitary Regulation on New Food Products, approved by Government Decision no. 925/2009, and preparing the evaluation report within 70 days from the receipt of the application, in accordance with scientific recommendations approved by the Ministry of Health, with the conclusion whether the food product can be approved as a new food product for market introduction or if an order of rejection should be issued.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submitting the Request

    The applicant (or their legal representative) accesses the system (Electronic Public Services Portal) either in person or with the assistance of the receptionist at the counter


  • 2
    Step 2. Completing the application and attaching the documents

    The applicant (or their legal representative) fills out the application (Annex No.1) and uploads the necessary documents either personally or with the assistance of the receptionist at the counter.

    a)The applicant submits the application and necessary documents with the assistance of the receptionist at the counter. The receptionist:

    - Receives and properly registers the certificate request application.

    - Accepts the documents presented by the applicant.

    - Immediately and unconditionally issues the certificate to the applicant according to the model indicated in Annex No. 2 to Law 160 of 22.07.2011.

    - Sends the case (electronic copies of the application and presented documents) to the issuing authority for review.

    b)The applicant submits the application and uploads the documents directly into the system. The system:

    • Automatically generates an electronic confirmation document upon receipt of the application and documents ("certificate of receipt").
    • Automatically forwards the application and set of documents to the issuing authority

  • 3
    Step 3. Examination of the file.

    The issuing authority (specialist) opens the case, examines the application and accompanying documents, and verifies compliance with the conditions. In case of identifying the absence of necessary documents/information expressly required by legislation, the issuing authority (specialist) suspends the examination period of the application and immediately informs the applicant, specifying and describing the grounds for suspension, the deadline, and the actions required for remediation to initiate the examination of the application.

  • 4
    Step 4. Decision on issuing the document.

    The specialist reviews the case and organizes additional internal examinations to make the decision on issuing the certificate.

    The specialist finalizes the permit or writes a rejection letter, with appropriate justification based on legal provisions, directly notifying the applicant, and only if the applicant does not meet the conditions expressly specified in the law or, as applicable, does not demonstrate meeting these conditions during the suspended examination period of the request, which will be reviewed and signed by the director of the issuing authority.

  • 5
    Step 5. Payment of the service.

    If the issuance of the permit is approved, the applicant (or their legal representative) receives an electronic notification and pays the established fee through the M-pay service or at the bank. 

  • 6
    Step 6: Issuance of the permit.

    When the permit (letter) is ready, the applicant (or their legal representative) receives an electronic notification, downloads the permit, and confirms receipt of the document. If the permit is issued on paper (upon request or according to the requirements of the issuing authority), the receptionist prints the permit, delivers it to the applicant (or their legal representative), and confirms receipt.

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