Authorization to import registered medicines, medicinal raw materials, materials, articles, primary and secondary packaging used in the preparation and production of medicines

Permission to carry out foreign trade transactions (import) for a certain period of time and within the limits indicated in the authorization.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of the request

    The application is submitted online by accessing the Request button or at the MMDA counter, Chisinau municipality, Korolenco str. 2/1.

    The applicant or his legal representative (hereafter Applicant) enters the system (Electronic Portal of public services) personally or with the help of the receptionist at the one-stop shop.

    The applicant completes the application and uploads the necessary documents specified in the system, personally or with the help of the receptionist at the one-stop shop.


  • 2
    Step 2. Application processing and review

    If the Applicant (or his legal representative):

    1.submit the application and the necessary documents with the help of the receptionist at the counter, the receptionist:

    • will receive and properly register the request for authorization and will receive the documents presented by the applicant;
    • will immediately and unconditionally issue to the applicant the ascertaining certificate according to the model indicated in annex no. 3 to Law 160 of 22.07.2011;
    • will send the case to the issuing subdivision for review;

    The application can be returned to the applicant only if the application does not contain the information necessary to identify the applicant.

    2.submit the application and upload the documents personally directly into the system, the system:

    • will automatically generate the document in electronic format confirming the receipt of the application and the documents ("certificate finding") and will automatically direct the application and the set of documents to the issuing authority;

    The issuing authority (the registrar) opens the case, verifies the application and the documents submitted for registration in order to meet the requirements established by law. In case of finding the lack of necessary documents/information expressly provided by the legislation, the issuing authority (registrar) will reject the application and will immediately inform the applicant about this fact with the specification and description of the basis for the suspension, as well as the remedial actions to initiate the examination of the application.

  • 3
    Step 3. Perfection and release of the permit

    The specialist perfects the permit act or writes a letter of rejection, with an appropriate justification based on the provisions of the law, with the direct notification of the applicant, which will be examined and signed by the director of the issuing authority.

    When the permissive act (letter) is ready, the applicant (or his legal representative) receives an electronic notification, downloads the permissive act and confirms receipt of the document.

    If the permit is issued on paper (upon request or according to the requirements of the issuing authority), the receptionist prints the permit, hands it to the applicant (or his legal representative), who confirms receipt.

Agenția Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale
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