Re-establishment of the omitted term/extension of the procedure time limit

Where the applicant was unable to observe a prescribed time limit for proceedings before AGEPI, he may request extension or, where appropriate, re-establishment of the omitted term.

      Time limits provided for in this Law or in the Regulations for an action in a proceeding before the AGEPI related to an application or a patent may be extended by a request filed with the AGEPI before the expiry of the prescribed time limit. Any time limit may not be extended for more than 6 months from the date of expiry of the prescribed time limit. A request for extension shall be subject to payment of a prescribed fee; in the opposite case the application for extension shall be deemed not filed.

      The request for extension of a time limit or for re-establishment of the omitted time limit shall be drafted on a standard form approved by AGEPI, which can be found at -, F-02-CC-003-E-02-0536.

       Proof of payment of the corresponding fee in the amount prescribed pursuant to Government Decision No. 774 of August 13, 1997 and all the necessary documents shall be annexed to the request for re-establishment of the time limit. Otherwise, the request for re-establishment of the omitted time limit shall be deemed not to have been filed, such fact being notified to the applicant.

      The provisions of this article shall not be applicable to the time limits referred to in paragraph (1) of this article as well as in Article 15 paragraph (6), Article 32 paragraph (3), Article 33 paragraphs (9) and (10), Articles 39–42, Article 43 paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 442 paragraphs (6), (7) and (10), Article 51 paragraph (2), Article 57 paragraph (1), Article 58 paragraph (3), Article 61, Article 70 paragraph (1), Article 91 paragraph (2), Article 92 paragraph (2).

       Where the applicant was unable to observe a prescribed time limit for proceedings before AGEPI, he may request re-establishment of the omitted term and continuation of the proceedings in relation to the patent application. The request must be filed in writing within 6 months following the expiry of the prescribed time limit. The omitted act must be completed within this period. The request shall not be deemed to have been filed until the fee for re-establishment of the omitted term has been paid; otherwise it shall be rejected., F-02-CC-002-E-01-0535

If the request is granted, the legal consequences of the failure to observe the time limit shall be deemed not to have ensued.


  • 1
    Step 1. Filing of the request for extension of time limits/re-establishment of the omitted term

    Divisional application filing methods:

    -   with the Agency counter at the address: 24/1, Andrei Doga Str., MD-2024, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova;

    -   online, by accessing the link (;

    -   by e-mail,, (the application shall be deemed filed on the date of receipt of the e-mail, if AGEPI receives the original application within one month from the date of receipt of the e-mail, except for the electronic document signed with digital signature)., F-02-CC-003-E-02-0536.


  • 2
    Step 2. Payment of the service

    - directly at the counter; 

    - by bank transfer;

    - through the government electronic payment service MPay (


  • 3
    Step 3. Examination

    If the requirements provided for by Regulations 528/2009 and Law 50/2008 are met, the application shall be accepted and the examination shall continue, and if the requirements are not met, the application shall be rejected.

Agenția de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală
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