Reception, verification, examination and transmission of the application in accordance with international registration procedures, with the exception of inventions

An international application may be filed by any natural person or legal entity which has an actual operational industrial or commercial enterprise in the Republic of Moldova or, in the absence thereof, a place of residence in the Republic of Moldova or, in the absence thereof, is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova or immigrant therefrom.This service examines, verifies the documents of the international application in order to comply with the formal requirements and sends them to the International Bureau of WIPO.


- Submission of the application for international registration and payment of the fee in the amount established

- Examination, verification of the documents of the international application in order to comply with the formal requirements

- Dispatch of the application to the International Bureau of WIPO

Detailed information can also be found on the website: registration%C8%9Bional%C4%83


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