Issuance of control markings for copies of works or phonograms and of the certificate of issuance of control markings

A person registered in the State Register of Holders of Control Markings or his representative shall file the application for issuance of control markings and the necessary documents to carry out the procedure. Following their examination, AGEPI shall issue control markings and the Certificate of issuance of control markings.


  • 1
    Step 1. Filing of the application for issuance of control markings and the documents attached to the application

    The applications shall be filed with the headquarters of AGEPI, at the address: str. 24/1, Andrei Doga Str., Chisinau,

    by e-mail:

  • 2
    Step 2. Payment of the service

    - directly at the counter; 

    - by bank transfer;

    - through the government electronic payment service MPay (


  • 3
    Step 3. Examination of the application for issuance of control markings and the documents attached

    The application filed and the documents attached to the application shall be examined according to the procedure. The applicant shall be notified of the removal of detected irregularities, as appropriate. 

  • 4
    Step 4. Drafting of the certificate of issuance of control markings or issuance of the decision of refusal

    Following the examination of the application and the documents attached to the application, AGEPI shall issue a certificate of issuance of control markings. If the applicant fails to remove the detected irregularities, AGEPI shall issue the decision of refusal.

  • 5
    Step 5. Issuance of control markings and of the certificate of issuance of control markings

    Following the examination of the application, a certificate of issuance of control markings shall be issued to the applicant.

    The certificate and the control markings may be received at the Agency's office.

Agenția de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală
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