Filing of the request for reinstatement/re-establishment of rights

Reinstatement/re-establishment of rights

The applicant for or owner of an intellectual property object, or any other party to a proceeding before AGEPI, who, in spite of all due care required by the circumstances having been taken, was unable to observe a time limit vis-à-vis AGEPI, shall have his rights reinstated, upon request, if the non-observance of this time limit has the direct consequence the loss of any other right or means of redress.

- Natural persons and legal entities having their residence, respectively headquarters, in the Republic of Moldova, shall act before AGEPI personally or through a representative, empowered by a power of attorney.

- Natural persons and legal entities having permanent residence, respectively headquarters, abroad shall act before AGEPI only through an authorized patent attorney from the Republic of Moldova.

- Where a foreign legal entity is affiliated with a legal entity which has its place of residence in the Republic of Moldova, the first may act before AGEPI through its affiliated person or its representative, empowered by a power of attorney. 


  • 1
    Step 1. Filing of the application

    Application filing methods:

    - to the Agency counter at the address: 24/1, Andrei Doga Str., MD-2024, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova;

    - online, by accessing the link (;

    - by e-mail,, (the application shall be deemed filed on the date of receipt of the e-mail, if AGEPI receives the original application within one month from the date of receipt of the e-mail, except for the electronic document signed with digital signature).


    1. Application filing form, depending on the subject-matter (trademark, industrial design, invention, plant variety, etc.):






  • 2
    Step 2. Payment of the service

    - directly at the counter; 

    - by bank transfer;

    - through the government electronic payment service MPay (


  • 3
    Step 3. Processing and Examination

    1) Receipt of the application;

    2) Verification of documents filed;

    3) Registration of data from documents in an electronic system, in the Register, etc.

    4) Examination of compliance with the conditions provided for in the Regulations on the Organization and Functioning of the Appeals Board in the Field of Intellectual Property and the Procedure for Examination of Appeals, approved by Government Decision No. 257/2009;

    5) Drafting of the appropriate notification (receipt/irregularities/admission for examination in the meeting, etc.);

    6) Organization of the Appeals Board meeting to examine the application;

    7) The proper examination in the meeting, hearings, etc.

    8) Adoption/drafting of the conclusion/decision to admit/reject claims (where appropriate);

    9) Introduction into the database, registration in the Register;

    10) Publication of the examination results in the Official Bulletin of Intellectual Property (BOPI).

  • 4
    Step 4. Delivery of the conclusion/decision of the AGEPI Appeals Board

    Delivery of the conclusion/decision of the AGEPI Appeals Board by mail (with acknowledgment of receipt) or receipt thereof at the counter.

    Note: Not all rights can be restored, the law provides for exceptions

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