Voluntary dactyloscopic registration
Dactyloscopy of persons - activity, carried out by the competent authorities for the collection, recording, storage, classification, systematization, and provision of dactyloscopic data, establishing and confirming the identity of individuals.
Dactyloscopic registration is performed to establish and confirm the identity of individuals, in order to defend the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of natural and legal persons, to protect the interests of society and the state.
Dactyloscopic registration may be carried out on the following categories of persons:
a) citizens of the Republic of Moldova;
b) foreigners who live on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and who have arrived in search of asylum if they have applied for political asylum or other asylum or for being granted refugee status.
Citizens of the Republic of Moldova and foreigners have the right to voluntary dactyloscopic registration.
- 1Pasul 1. Depunerea cererii
Înregistrarea dactiloscopică benevolă se efectuează la cerere, depusă la Centrul tehnico-criminalistic și expertize judiciare pe adresa: MD-2059, mun.Chisinau, str-la Vladimir Komarov, 10.
- 2Pasul 2. Colectarea datei dactiloscopice
Dactiloscoparea propriu-zisă.
- 3Pasul 3. Eliberarea certificatului de dactiloscopare persoanei solicitante.
Certificatul de dactiloscopare se eliberează îndată după dactiloscopiere în cadrul Centrului tehnico-criminalistic și expertize judiciare pe adresa: MD-2059, mun.Chisinau, str-la Vladimir Komarov, 10.