Aerodrome/Heliport Operator Certificate (issued in accordance with the Regulation on the administrative procedures for aerodromes, approved by Government Decision No. 653/2018) 

Permit issued by the Civil Aviation Authority in accordance with the law, certifying the right and ability of the aerodrome operator to carry out all important works relating to the operation and technical maintenance of aerodromes, safety and order on aerodromes open for public use and located on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Applicable to: aerodromes in the Republic of Moldova, including their facilities open to the public, serving commercial air transportation, providing instrument approach or take-off procedures and which:

1) have a paved runway of at least 800 meters

2) or exclusively serve helicopters; and

3) through which at least 10000 passengers pass per year and/or

4) on which at least 850 freight operations are conducted per year. 


  • 1
    Submission of the application

    The application can be submitted by the applicant in the following ways:

    1) online - by pressing the "Request" button in the Automated Information System for the Management and issuance of permissive documents (AIS MIPD);

    2) at the one-stop shop of the CAA, located in Chisinau municipality, 80/2 Dacia Blvd.


  • 2
    Processing and examination

    On receipt of an application for the initial issue of a certificate, the application shall be evaluated and checked for compliance with the applicable requirements. In the case of an existing aerodrome, the conditions under which the aerodrome/airport operator shall operate the aerodrome/airport during the certification period shall be laid down, unless the CAA determines that the aerodrome operation should be suspended.

    The CAA shall inform the aerodrome/airport operator of the expected time-frame for the certification process and shall complete the certification as soon as possible. The CAA establishes and notifies the applicant of the basis for certification in accordance with ADR.AR.C.020 of Annex no.1 to the Regulation on Administrative Procedures concerning aerodromes, approved by Government Decision no. 653/2018.

  • 3
    Release/deferral/refusal of release

    Before issuing a certificate, the CAA may require such inspection, testing, safety evaluation or exercise as it considers necessary.

    The CAA shall issue a single aerodrome/airport operator certificate. The CAA shall issue the certificate when it is satisfied that the aerodrome/airport operator has proven compliance with ADR.OR.B.025 and ADR.OR.E.005 of Annex 2 to the Regulation on Administrative Procedures relating to Aerodromes, approved by Government Decision no. 653/2018. The certificate shall be issued through the AIS MIPD and signed by the CAA Director.

    Refusal to grant the certificate shall be communicated in writing to the applicant at the electronic address, in compliance with the legal requirements regarding the electronic document and/or by land mail to the address known to the CAA.

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