Authorization for the execution of international flights related to commercial air transport operations by non-scheduled flights, with landing/take-off on/from the territory of the Republic of Moldova
This authorization is a permissive document issued by the Civil Aviation Authority in accordance with the law, which certifies the right of the aircraft operator to perform commercial air transport operations, other than those performed by scheduled flights, in compliance with the provisions of specific international treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is a party.
Commercial non-scheduled air transport operations shall also include flights not involving the carriage of passengers between two or more aerodromes, performed on a commercial basis, with one or more passengers on board.
In accordance with the provisions of the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union and its Member States, international flights related to commercial air transport operations by non-scheduled flights, with landing/take-off on/from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, performed by air carriers of the European Union, shall be considered as authorized if, for the flights in question, the aircraft operator has notified the Civil Aviation Authority of the flight schedule, any subsequent amendments thereto, the type and registration of the aircraft to be used and the Civil Aviation Authority has communicated the absence of objections, following the verification of compliance with the requirements laid down in the said Common Aviation Area Agreement.
- 1Submission of the application
The application with the related documents can be submitted online by pressing the "Request" button in the Automated Information System for the management and issuance of permissive documents (AIS MIPD) or at the CAA one-stop shop, located in Chisinau municipality, 80/2 Dacia Blvd. The application and the related documents may also be submitted via the electronic address:, in compliance with the legal requirements regarding the electronic document.
publicService.channels.2.title - 2Processing and examination
The examination of the application and accompanying documents shall be carried out by the responsible person, and in case of lack of the required documents/information expressly provided for by the legislation, the CAA shall suspend the examination process, informing the applicant and the authorized air navigation service provider of the Republic of Moldova, specifying the reason for the suspension and invoking the remedial actions.
- 3Release/refusal of release
The authorization is issued electronically through the AIS MIPD or at the CAA one-stop shop (Chisinau municipality, 80/2 Dacia Blvd, International Cooperation and Media Communication Section). The refusal to grant the authorization shall be communicated in writing to the applicant at the electronic address, in compliance with the legal requirements relating to the electronic document.
În cazul lipsei unor tratate sau în cazul în care tratatele internaţionale specifice nu prevăd altfel, cererea pentru obţinerea autorizaţiei se transmite Autorităţii Aeronautice Civile, după cum urmează:
1) în cazul unei serii de cel mult trei zboruri – cu cel puţin două zile lucrătoare înainte de data primului zbor;
2) în cazul seriilor de patru sau mai multe zboruri – cu cel puţin 3 zile lucrătoare înainte de data primului zbor;
3) pentru zborurile de pasageri şi/sau cargo neregulate – prin depunerea tuturor actelor relevante unui zbor regulat dacă nu este prevăzut altfel de către acordurile privind serviciile aeriene bilaterale cu alte state.
Prin excepţie, în cazul zborurilor din categoria urgenţe medicale, intervenţii în zone de calamitate sau operaţiuni de căutare-salvare, cererea pentru obţinerea aprobării de zbor se poate transmite cu cel puţin 30 de minute înainte de decolarea aeronavei.