Noise certificate
A document, issued by the Civil Aviation Authority, for each civil aircraft, confirming its compliance with a type certificate issued in accordance with Annex no. 1 to Government Decision no. 91/2024 on the approval of the Regulation on the establishment of administrative requirements and procedures for airworthiness and environmental certification or statement of conformity of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as requirements on the capability of design and production organizations.
Any natural or legal entity in whose name an aircraft is or will be registered, or their representative, shall be considered eligible as an applicant for a noise certificate for that aircraft.
- 1Submitting the application
The application regarding the issuance/modification of the noise certificate shall be submitted to the single counter of CAA, located in Chisinau mun., 80/2 Dacia nr. Avenue or through the electronic address:, in compliance with the legal requirements regarding the electronic document. It shall be completed in accordance with the form in Annex 6 to the Civil Aeronautical Procedures and Instructions PIAC - AW - CNV Administrative Procedures and Instructions for Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft.
The set of documents relating to the application for a noise certificate shall be lodged at the CAA counter, including the information referred to in point 21. (b) of Annex No. 1 to the Regulation on the establishment of administrative requirements and procedures for airworthiness and environmental certification or statement of conformity of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as requirements concerning the capability of design and production organizations, approved by Government Decision No. 91/2024.
- 2Processing and examination
According to the provisions of the Civil Aeronautical Procedures and Instructions PIAC - AW - CNV Administrative Procedures and Instructions for the Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft - the following steps are to be completed in sequence:
(a) the stage of submitting the application and related documents;
(b) the evaluation and documentation stage (including inspection, where appropriate).
- 3Issuance/ deferral/refusal of issuance
CAA issues the Noise Certificate at the single counter (Chisinau mun., 80/2 Dacia Avenue, Airworthiness Directorate) according to the form in Annex 3 of the Civil Aeronautical Procedures and Instructions PIAC - AW - CNV Procedures and Administrative Instructions for Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft.
This document may also be communicated to the applicant at an e-mail address known to the CAA.
The refusal to issue the Noise Certificate shall be communicated in writing to the applicant at the electronic address, subject to the legal requirements for the electronic document.